Disclaimer: The concept and characters of Highlander belong to Panzer/Davis Productions. I’m just borrowing Amanda for a while (I just hope my S.O. doesn’t mind too much!) and I promise to let her leave whenever she wants. The other characters and story line are mine. Please include this disclaimer should you post this story elsewhere. As always, comments are welcome. Email me!

Content Warning: This story is rated NC-17 for violence and graphic sexual content. While most Highlander stories have violence — it’s hard to take someone’s head without it — this one starts with rape and murder. I didn’t dwell on the details in the rape, but the ‘coming of age’ explorations are fairly graphic. It’s all boy-girl in this one, but if you don’t like sex, don’t read this story.

The Protégé
by TheGreyOwl

She'd been running through the dark woods for what seemed like hours. Her eyes still burned with the tears she'd cried ever since this nightmare began. The cold wind knifed through her and seemed to stab deep into her core. She was so cold...so afraid...so alone...so confused.

It had all started earlier that afternoon when she was on her way home from High School. She was a Senior, and looked forward to graduation in a little over a week. Since the weather had been so hot, she was dressed in really light weight clothes that showed off her youthful and trim figure. Megan was a shade under 5 foot nine inches in height and weighed just at 122 pounds. Her lithe build came from hours spent practicing her gymnastics and her mom’s insistence on healthy eating. Her auburn hair hung well past her shoulders when she wore it loose; today it had been in twin ponytails. All in all, Megan looked like the classic cheerleader type. Her mind was anything but ordinary...she had maintained a perfect 4.0 grade point average since she'd entered kindergarten. Although she didn't know it, her IQ was off the charts. Megan was a genius.

Megan's day had been almost perfect at school, except for the fight she'd had with her boyfriend. As a result, he had left her stranded at school and she had to walk home. She hadn't really minded the walk; it was a beautiful day and she'd no homework so she didn't have any heavy books to carry. She had begun to enjoy the flowers along the side of the road, when she walked passed a seemingly abandoned panel van. Just as she passed, the door flew open and she was pulled into the van. A bag was forced over her head and her hands and feet were bound with plastic wire ties, like the plastic handcuffs used by the police department. She was then thrown to the floor of the van and the van drove off.

The ride had been smooth for a long while...perhaps about three hours...then it became much rougher. It was as if the van had turned off the main highway on to a less traveled secondary road. The bouncing became worse as the truck slowed. It felt as if the driver was hitting every rut and pothole he could find just to make her bounce off the walls and the metal floor. Then the van stopped. She heard the driver open his door and felt the slight shift in the vehicle as his weight left the springs. When the side door opened, the cool evening air carried the heavy scent of pine trees...she was in the mountains now.

Her assailant grabbed her by the arms and pulled her out of the van, dropping her to the ground. The impact had knocked the air out of her lungs and had made her head ring. She felt his hands ripping her blouse, then she felt the sharp edge of a knife cut away her bra. His rough callused hands twisted her breasts. She cried as he cut the plastic tie on her legs and then cut away her shorts and panties. Next came his rude hands on her most intimate regions. She felt his slavering tongue all over her body, and then she felt him pry open her thighs. Her screams were ignored as he penetrated her. As the pace of his frenzied thrusting increased, he began to beat her...and beat her...and beat her...until she knew no more.

She awoke to find herself alone in the woods. Her hands were still bound and the hood still covered her head. She tore the hood away and looked around. Her semi-nude body wore only the tattered remains of her blouse and her sneakers; the rest were scraps of fabric on the ground. She seemed covered in blood, but she could not find any wounds. //Perhaps my nose bled when he was hitting me.// With that thought, Megan gingerly felt her face. //It doesn't hurt. In fact, I don't hurt anywhere! Even after all that bastard did to me!// Megan looked around and found a boulder with a sharp edge. She used the edge to saw away the plastic tie holding her wrists together. Her wrists were abraded by the rough stone, but the plastic eventually parted. She gently poked at the myriad lacerations caused by the stone, but they seemed to be healing before her eyes. //Must be a trick of the faint light or something. No, maybe I have a concussion. People don't just heal like that.//

Although Megan had never been a girl scout, she knew enough about the great outdoors to know she needed to find shelter and fast. The day may have been hot, but nights in the mountains could be pretty cool. Hypothermia could kill her. She began walking down the rutted dirt road since it was obviously the way she'd been brought up there. As she walked, the wind began to increase and soon the first spatters of cold rain began to hit her naked flesh. //Great! This will just about guarantee pneumonia!// In order to stay warm, Megan began to run.


Friday Night, 11:30 PM

The storm had caught Amanda off guard. //Why the hell did I ever turn off the highway in the first place. I'm in the middle of nowhere. It's pouring down rain. It's pitch black. And I don't have a clue where I am. To hell with this!// With that thought, Amanda pulled her car over to the side of the road and stopped. When she turned off the engine, the only sound was the rain and the rushing of the wind through the pine trees. //You know, this storm is actually kind of pretty when you just sit and watch it.//

She'd been watching the storm for about an hour when that old familiar feeling hit her -- the buzz in her mind and the tightening of her nipples that meant another immortal was near. //Here? In the middle of nowhere?// Her eyes scanned the dark rain-swept woods around her. //What was that?// Her eyes again caught the flash of a pale form running through the woods. The form stumbled and cried out. Amanda turned on her headlights and the beams illuminated the naked girl lying at the edge of the road where it was met by a fire trail. As Amanda got out of her car, she knew this girl was the source. This was another immortal.

As she reached the girl and touched her, the girl cried out. "Hush, little one," Amanda crooned. "I'm here to help you.” She helped the girl to her feet and guided her to the car. She wrapped her in the wool blanket from the back seat and waited for the girl to regain some body heat and some composure. Soon, her teeth stopped chattering and she seemed more aware of her surroundings. "Feeling any better?"

The girl nodded. "How did you get out here in this condition?" Amanda asked. As the girl related her abduction and rape, Amanda became furious at the perpetrator. The girl didn't know it, but he'd done more than just rape her; he'd also killed her. This girl would forever be physically seventeen years old; her life as a mortal had been taken away from her. How could she go back to family and friends now?

"Megan, why don't you climb into the back seat and rummage around in my bags for some clothes to wear. There's some jeans that might be a bit big and a shirt. Help yourself to some undies, too. In fact, there are some new ones still in the package. While you get dressed, I'm going to take us down the road to a diner I remember seeing and we can get some warm food. Sound good?"

With a nod of her head, Megan quickly climbed over the seat. Amanda caught a flash of her naked flank and sighed. // I was young like that once...about a thousand years ago.// She started the car and drove slowly down the mountain. She kept an eye on her new companion in the mirror as Megan found the clothes. She also found a towel that she used to dry her body with before she put on the clothes. Then she wrapped her long hair in the towel. Megan began to speak about calling her parents and letting them know she was alive. She imagined they'd be frantic by now. Amanda knew she had her work cut out for her, explaining the facts of immortality and why Megan would have to let all who knew her think she was missing and presumed dead.

When they reached the diner, Amanda guided her new friend to a booth in the back. "Look, Megan, we need to talk. There are some things I must explain to you that will affect what you do from now on. Please, trust me in this. Wait on calling home until alter you have heard me out."

After Megan agreed, Amanda waited until after they had placed their food orders and gotten some coffee (for Amanda) and hot chocolate (for Megan). Once the waitress had moved away, Amanda began. "Megan, I want you to keep an open mind about what I am about to tell you. Some of this will sound truly incredible and hard to believe. But you need to hear me out until the end. Promise you will listen?" At Megan's nod, Amanda continued. "Okay, here's the hard to believe part. There are people who live among us who are not the same as regular people. They are, for all practical purposes, immortal. Oh, they can be killed in any normal way, but they don't stay dead. Their bodies heal and they return to life. The only way they can truly die is if their heads are cut off. I know this sounds really crazy, but it is true. I am an immortal. I was born in England over a thousand years ago. Each immortal knows when they are near another immortal. They get a weird sensation, a buzz for lack of a better term, that tells them another immortal is near. I felt that buzz on the mountain when I found you. I think you were killed up on that mountain, and now you are an immortal like me."

Megan just stared at her hands, looking at the area where she had abraded the flesh away as she scraped the plastic tie from her wrists against the rock. There wasn't a mark on her wrists. She didn't have a single bruise from the tremendous beating that animal had given her. And then there was that funny noise in her head each time she came near Amanda. Could this all be true? Was she really dead and reborn as an immortal? She looked up at Amanda and said, "Cool. Say I buy this, what does it mean?"

"Well, here's the really bad part, honey. You must let your family and friends think you are dead."

"What? No Way! I can't do that to Mom and Dad. It'll kill them wondering where I am and what happened to me. And what about David, my boyfriend??

"Megan, you are an immortal. You will always look like you do right now. You will always be this fresh faced perky seventeen year old, no matter how long you live and how old your mind gets. If you go back home, how will you explain that you never get any older? Oh, they won't notice for a while, true. But sooner or later, they will begin to ask questions."

"Look, Amanda, I gotta go back now. It's only a few days till graduation then most of my friends will go away to college, including me. I can handle being young looking for a while, and I call make myself look older with makeup and proper clothes, any woman can. Let me settle my affairs at home, then I will break away. Please?"

"There's more to this immortality business I haven't told you, and that's the reason for the buzz. It's a warning, Megan. Our kind hunts one another as a part of what we call the Game. The guiding principle of the Game is there can be only one of us at the end. Whichever immortal is the last of our kind will get the Prize, although speculation is wide and diverse about what that prize will be. The fights between immortals are done one on one with swords. Each new immortal must have a teacher to train them to survive. I will be yours, if you'd like."

"Amanda, I think I will be safe enough at home for a little while, anyway. I can't imagine too many immortals passing through my small town. Why don't you come with me? You can keep an eye out for these 'bad' immortals while I start edging out of my life."

After thinking about what Megan had said, and reluctantly agreeing that the likelihood of another immortal sensing Megan was very small, Amanda agreed. Megan dashed to the phone and called her home. Amanda could see the tears of emotion flowing from her new student's face as she spoke with her family. Megan was wiping away her tears as she sat down across from Amanda. "I told them we'd be there in a few hours, and that I'd explain what happened once I got home."

"Megan, you are in for a rough time once we get back." At her protégé’s confused look, Amanda said, "Once you tell them about the abduction and rape, you will be taken to a hospital. There you will have samples taken from inside your body's openings. Your pubic hair will be combed to see if you have any foreign hairs mingled in it. Normally, they would photograph your body to show the bruises from the beating you will tell them about. But there are no bruises. There are no marks of any kind to show any of the abuse you went through. The only physical evidence to support your story is the fact you are not a virgin and whatever semen is still inside you." Amanda could see the shock and outrage in the girl's face. "The police will take your statement and the evidence gathered by the rape kit at the hospital. You will be taken back to the mountainside where hopefully you can find the remains of your clothes and the plastic bindings. But, honey, in the end, the police will not believe you because there isn't any tangible evidence on your body to support forcible abduction and rape."

"What do you think I should do?" Megan asked in a small voice.

"Well, I think you are going to have to say that someone grabbed you, but that you escaped when the van stopped up in the mountains. You can say your clothes were torn up during your escape and that I gave you these to wear until you got home. But, unless you want to go through all that I mentioned, do not tell them about the rape and the beating."

"Then the bastard will get away with it."

"Tell me, Megan. This bastard thinks he left you for dead up on that mountain. What will he think when you come back, alive and unharmed?"

"He's gonna freak!"

"Exactly. He's going to panic and either run or come after you again. If he runs, he lives. If he comes after you, he's mine." The feral gleam in Amanda's eyes sent a cold chill down Megan's spine. Despite the inhumane way she'd been treated by her attacker and the unspeakable acts he'd committed on her, she almost felt sorry for him. Then she thought about what her death and resurrection meant in terms of her life and knew that whatever Amanda did to him was okay with her.

As they drove away from the diner, Amanda turned to Megan and asked, "I am curious about one thing. No immortal I have ever heard of has known who their parents were. We were all foundlings."

"Well, your record's intact. My folks adopted me when I was an infant. Someone found me in the park in a cardboard box. My folks fought to get me and were the best parents anyone could ever ask for. Mom was never able to carry a baby, so I was her only chance to have a kid. That's why I had to come home, Amanda. I couldn't just take that away from her."


Saturday Morning 4:00 AM

Despite the hour, Megan's house blazed with light. There were police cars along the street. The neighbor's were all standing in their yards gawking at the show. When Megan stepped from Amanda's car and her mother swept her into an embrace, the neighbor's all cheered. As the reunited family began to walk into their house, the neighbors all quietly dispersed...a happy ending for once, they thought.

"Mom, this is Amanda Darieux. She found me and brought me home."

"I can't begin to thank you enough. We've been frantic ever since Megan disappeared after school. You have no idea the horrible things that have been going through our heads while we waited for some word."

//Probably pretty close to the truth...that some lowlife took your baby, raped her, and then casually killed her and left her body for the animals.// "It was no trouble. I'm just glad I was there when she needed help." Amanda responded.

Megan's mom turned to Megan and said, "The police want to talk with you now. You need to tell them what happened to you."

With her mom holding her hand, Megan greeted the police officers. "Miss Carson, we are happy to see you safe and sound. I am Detective Miller and this is Detective Fields. Would you please tell us what happened to you?"

After sitting in one of the chairs in the living room, Megan began her tale. She explained that she and David had fought so she started walking home. After she'd crossed through the park and was walking along the wooded stretch on Elm street, she walked passed a big gray van - the kind with no windows. The door opened and someone grabbed her and threw her inside. A bag was put over her head and her hands were bound. They had driven for what seemed like hours up into the mountains and finally stopped. While they were driving, she'd managed to work the hood off so when the door was opened, she'd kicked her assailant and run away. Her clothes got pretty ripped up by the bushes and things as she ran through the woods. She found her way down to the main road and that's where she had run in to Amanda.

As Amanda listened to the police ask their questions and Megan's answers, Amanda could tell the detectives were having a hard time accepting her story. After all, there wasn't a mark on this kid to support her story.

"Did your assailant at any time lay hands on you in a sexual manner?" Detective Miller asked.

"No, he never had the chance. I escaped as soon as we stopped." Megan lied.

Amanda could see the relief in the faces of Megan's parents. Their baby had been spared the ultimate violation. She was home and safe. They could live with that.

As the detectives ended their interview with Megan, they asked Amanda for her statement. She told them she'd taken a wrong turn and had stopped along the roadside to check her map when she'd spotted Megan. She'd taken her into the car and brought her to a nearby diner, where they'd called Megan's home and then eaten. She'd driven Megan home. End of story. The officers thanked her and then assured the family they would do everything in their power to "apprehend the kidnappers." Then they left. Amanda rose and began to take her leave when Megan suddenly insisted Amanda stay in the guest room. Megan's mom would take no excuses, so Amanda soon found herself in the guest bedroom. She turned out the lights as the first glimmers of dawn lit the eastern sky.


"MEGAN CARSON UNHARMED!" the headlines screamed. The story explained the background of Megan's disappearance and then her version of the events. Her escape from the kidnappers and safe return home were given great play by the media.. Her teachers and friends were interviewed. Her parents beamed in the picture showing the obviously healthy and happy girl standing between her mom and dad. Everyone was thrilled with the happy ending.

Not everyone was happy. How did she survive? He knew she was dead when he finished with her broken body, yet here she was without a mark on her. And what was with this lie in the paper? She escaped when the van stopped? She may not want to remember what really happened on that mountainside, but he did. In fact, he remembered real well; the image and feel of her young body were fresh in his mind. Well, she won't survive the next time.


Saturday Afternoon

Amanda woke at the gentle tap on her door. "Come in," she called out.

The door opened and Megan popped in. "Good Afternoon, Amanda! It's a beautiful day to be alive!"

The girl's cheerful resilience made Amanda smile. She stretched and slid out from under the covers, unconcerned about her nudity. Megan was startled by the sheer brazenness of the act, but that did not stop her from noticing that Amanda was really buff. There wasn't any flab or jiggle anywhere on Amanda’s body. She moved like a cat, with a sensuous grace that Megan found very intense.

Seeing the girl's appraisal out of the corner of her eye, Amanda turned and placed her hands on her hips. "Well, what's the verdict? Think this old carcass still has anything left?"

'Amanda, I think you're beautiful. How do you get such super muscle tone? Tell me it's a part of what we are."

"Well, you're partly right. It is a byproduct of immortality because it is the result of all the exercise and practice with swords. Now, what shall I wear today?" Amanda began rummaging through her bags looking for just the right outfit. "What's been the reaction in town about your story?"

"The phone has been ringing off the hook. Everyone's been calling or stopping by. All my friends, the principal of my school, even the mayor. David's been really sweet; he blames himself 'cuz we had that dumb fight. Oh, and the newspaper printed a really nice article and my picture, too!"

Amanda grew very still at that announcement. "You realize, don't you, that your killer now knows you are alive and back home? He's got to be wondering what happened."

"Let him wonder. I'm not scared. I got you and David to protect me. Anyway, I'm immortal now. It's not like he could really hurt me."

//Oh, Lord, not again. Not another Michelle!//

"Megan, listen to me. No one must ever know about us. Regular people would not understand; they'd be afraid. If this animal does get you again and kills you publicly, then you will have to stay dead. You must be very careful now."

"I will, Amanda." Megan announced. Somehow, her words did not encourage Amanda.


He couldn't use the van the police were probably looking for it. Let them look. There was no way to connect it with him since he'd stolen it from a house in Virginia the day before he'd grabbed Megan. Anyway, he'd taken care of that by running it off into a ravine back in the mountains and then torching it. Nothing left but a burned out shell, now.

People were watching her now, too. Somehow, he'd have to get her away from everyone else. That big dumb ox of a boyfriend for one. //Hey, maybe I ought to just pull up next to them when they're out in their car and shoot him then grab her. Nah, that'd never work and where would he get a gun, anyway.// There had to be some way.


Amanda joined Megan's mom in the den for some ice tea. "Thank you for your hospitality. You really don't need to put yourselves out like this. All I did was what anyone else would have done in the same situation."

"Amanda, don't be silly. We want to do this. You've no idea how grateful we are that it was someone like you who found our baby and brought her home." Amanda could see Megan wince at the "our baby" comment.

"Well, I must run some errands this afternoon. Megan, is there a gym somewhere nearby where I can work out?"

"Well, sure. There's the 'Y', which is open all afternoon. Then there's some of those fancy health club places, but I think you have to be a member to use them."

"The 'Y' sounds fine. Let me get my gear while you draw me a map."

"Can't I go with you?" Megan asked sounding hurt. "I'd really like to. Can I, Mom?" she cajoled.

"Well, I suppose it would be okay if Amanda doesn't mind. Really, Megan, sometimes you sound like you're about ten the way you whine."

Laughing, Megan threw her arms around her Mom, saying, "You know I only do that to get a rise out of you. That's a kid's job you know...keeping the old folks on their toes!"

"Old folks! Why, you scamp!" Her mother laughed.

On the drive to the gym, Amanda turned to Megan and asked, "Why this sudden interest in working out?"

"Oh, it's not sudden. I work out there all the time. That's where I practice my tumbling and gymnastics. I once thought about trying out for the Olympics."

"What happened?"

"I got too tall and then I met David and just sort of lost that competitive drive."

Once at the gym, Megan led Amanda to the locker room where they both changed to leotards and body suits. Once again, Megan was struck by Amanda's lithe grace. "You know, teacher, I can't wait for the day I look and move like you do."

"Well, youngster, it takes years of constant practice. The discipline is rough and sometimes can be painful, but the upside is simple. You can eat whatever you want because the exercise will strip those calories from your system before they have a chance at your thighs or butt!"

Megan followed Amanda out onto the exercise mat and watched as Amanda began a series of stretching movements. "Come on, Megan. Try it with me" Under Amanda's careful tutelage, Megan began to move in the intricate steps of Tai Chi. Her movements were a beat behind Amanda's as she watched then echoed her mentor's actions. The pace was slow and stately, yet soon her muscles began to burn and sweat poured off her in rivulets. Seeing her student's flushed face and wobbly legs, Amanda called a break. She heard a sound from another room, and went to investigate. Megan followed, her every step and effort. // I thought I was in shape. Hah!//

They went through an archway and into another training area. It was someplace Megan had never been because she'd never been interested in fencing. The sport had taken new meaning for her now as she watched the two men duel in the center of the mat. "See the one on the left?" Amanda whispered. "He's going to lose soon. He keeps dropping his point, leaving his side wide open." Shortly after Amanda's observation, the man's opponent took advantage of that very weakness and scored the killing thrust.

The two men turned to their applause. Amanda spoke out, "You need to keep your point up. When you let it drift like that, you open up your whole side."

"Now somebody tells me!" the vanquished groaned. "Say, you sound like you know what you are doing. Why don't you have a go at my cocky friend here."

Amanda's comment of "I don't have any padding" resulted in her immediate fitting in the best available. Soon she was properly garbed and armed with a blunt tipped rapier. "I should warn you," her opponent announced, "that I am classed as a Grand Champion." Amanda acknowledged his boast with a wave of her rapier. "En garde!"

Megan tried to follow the thrusts, parries, and ripostes, but the swords were moving much too fast. The man was taller than Amanda and had a much longer reach, but he never seemed to be able to bring these advantages to bear. Amanda was like an angry hornet, her sting seemed to be everywhere. She took what seemed to be a stumble and when he lunged to thrust home, he found instead her blade point against his heart. He bowed in defeat.

"Brava! Brava!" the other man and Megan cried, as Amanda swept off the fencing mask. "That was magnificent. Wherever did you learn those moves?"

"In Hiedelburg a long time ago" was her only reply, then she made her excuses and led Megan back to the showers. Once they were showered and dressed, she drove them home again.

At dinner, Megan was effusive in her praise for Amanda's skill at fencing. She described Amanda's trouncing of the town's windbag. She'd imitated his pompous "I should warn you that I am classed as a Grand Champion" and then his defeat at the hands of someone two-thirds his size in less than three minutes. Amanda explained that she'd learn to fence when she was young and that she'd found it a great way to maintain coordination and muscle tone. When asked about the Tai Chi, Amanda replied, "Well, a girl has to be able to defend herself After all, we can't always have a sword around." While her parents laughed, Megan thought about Amanda's hidden message in that statement.

David had asked Megan out for a soda after dinner, so Amanda had been left at loose ends. Watching TV with Mr. and Mrs. Carson just didn't appeal, so she'd made her excuses and retired to the guest room. She was starting to drift to sleep when she heard Megan come home. She'd run crying into her room. Amanda could hear Megan's mother trying to soothe Megan and find out what was wrong, but Amanda could tell she was not finding any success. Mrs. Carson finally withdrew and left Megan to cry herself out. Amanda was startled later when her door opened and Megan slipped in, still weeping quietly. Amanda held her arms out to the young immortal, and held her tightly as she wept. Soon, Megan began to speak.

"Oh Amanda, it was awful. We were just sitting there in his car looking at the stars when David started to kiss me. He's kissed me before, but this time he tried to touch my breast. When I felt his hand on me, it was like I was back on that mountain. I screamed and hit him, again and again. Then I jumped out of the car and ran home."

"Shush, baby. That's a normal reaction. No one knows what you went through up on that mountain. If he'd known, I doubt if he'd of done that. It will take time to get over what happened to you. Immortality takes care of the physical damage, but it doesn't heal our emotional pain. Only time does that. Time and patience."

Amanda held the girl as she fell asleep, her head pillowed on Amanda's breast. //Great. So here I am, naked, holding this sleeping nymph. Whatever would her mother say?//


Sunday Morning

Amanda awoke from an extremely erotic dream about Duncan MacLeod and was momentarily disoriented. The room told her where she was, and the she remembered who was in her bed with her. Megan's hand was cupping Amanda's breast. //Well, that explains the dream// Amanda thought as she gently eased out from under the sleeping teen. Amanda quickly showered and dressed, then went in search of some coffee. //Oh, please, let someone else be awake. I hate making coffee.// She was in luck, since Mrs. Carson was already in the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Carson. Is that coffee I smell?"

"Now Amanda, how many times do I have to tell you. Call me Martha." She poured Amanda a cup of coffee. Amanda declined the offer of sweetener or creamer. After all, she'd been drinking it black ever since it had been brought to Europe.

"Amanda, I want you to tell me the truth. What really happened to my daughter up on that mountain? I know it had to be more that what's been said. Something has badly frightened that girl. I can't help her if I don't know what's wrong."

Amanda sipped at her coffee while looking at Martha Carson. There was no doubt this woman only wanted the best for her child.

"She was raped, wasn't she?" Martha asked quietly. "That's the obvious thing. It would explain last night, her hysterical fit after her date with David. I'll bet he got fresh and brought it all crashing down on her ears.

Amanda spoke up. "She didn't want the humiliation and pain for all of you by telling the police. She was helpless. She had no way to fight. But you know the police. If the woman isn't battered then they don't take rape claims very seriously. So she said nothing like that happened."

"Thank you, Amanda, for being there that night and again last night. I knew when she wasn't in her room last night that she'd gone in with you...gone to where she felt safe. You knew the truth so she could talk to you."

"Mom," came the voice from the doorway, "I just wanted to spare you the pain."

Amanda left the kitchen while mother and daughter hugged and cried together. She stood in the living room, looking out the window sipping her coffee. There was something in what she was seeing that wasn't right, an anomaly that just didn't fit. What was it?


He sat in the back of the fake exterminator van and watched the house. He'd parked just down the block in front of an empty house. The windows of the van looked like they were polarized; they were actually one-way glass. He could see out but no one could see in. He could see movement at the front window; it was that nosy bitch that brought the girl home. There was something about her that just made his flesh crawl...meeting her and Megan at the ‘Y’ had been a real shock. Megan did not know who he was; she never did get even a glimpse of him when he'd grabbed her. He started the engine a drove away as the front door opened and the bitch came outside.


Amanda watched as the exterminator truck drove off. That truck bothered her. She'd never known any exterminator that worked on a Sunday morning. Secondly, what kind of exterminator would be parked in front of an empty house? All her senses were telling her this was wrong, but as she went to investigate, the truck drove off. She watched until it drove out of sight, then turned back to the house. As she reached the front door, a car pulled into the driveway and a young man got out.

"Let me guess. You must be David."

"Yes, Ma'am. Is Megan at home? I really need to talk to her...to apologize for last night."

"I know. Wait here and I will see if she wants to see you." Amanda said, firmly believing in putting teenage boys in their places whenever possible.

Megan walked out the front door and sat on the porch with her young man. Their conversation was low and obviously wasn't going very well from David's perspective. Amanda knew he was trying to apologize for letting his hormones overcome his brains, but Megan wasn't in the mood to accept such a facile excuse. When he stomped off with a shouted "Well, fine then" and sped away, Amanda went over to her young friend and offered her some tissues. "Blow your nose, Megan."

"Amanda, why are boys such toads?"

"Darling, if I knew the answer to that, my life would be much simpler. A word of advise. Men and boys are the same. Men's toys cost more and their egos are much more fragile. You can disarm a man with a simple well-placed snicker and arched eyebrow, or you can bolster a flagging spirit with a deep sigh and gentle touch. Men think they are in charge because we let them."

Laughing, they went back inside to get ready for the gym.


Monday afternoon, 2:30 PM

David pleaded with Megan to get in his car. "Megan, I said I was sorry. How many times do I have to say it. Please, get in the car. It is not safe for you to walk home alone."

“Oh, and like I needed you to tell me that. Listen, buddy, I may let you kiss me every once in a while but that's it. You know that's been the way it was since day one, and what happens? Just when I have been through the worst experience of my life, you start coming on like King Hormone, the Dancing Prick!” Her shouted response drew cheers from the girls and laughs from the boys within earshot. “If you don't back off, you're history."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well, fine then," he shouted as she walked away down the street. He jumped into his car and drove off; his tires screeching as he turned the corner.

As she walked along muttering to herself, Megan really blasted him further in her mind. //Stupid butthead. Who does he think he is? Like I want his slimy hands all over me. After all I went through.// The cool voice of reason tried to point out he didn't know what had happened, and it continued to point out that she had let him 'cop a feel' the previous week after the prom and she'd enjoyed it. //Shut up/I she raged //I don't care about then. This is now and I don't want to be touched.//

She was completely oblivious to her surroundings as she carried out this inner conversation. She was unaware of the car next to her until she walked into it and knocked herself down.

"Walk much?" Amanda said.

Megan ruefully picked herself up and dusted off her bottom. "I didn't see you."

"Obviously. Where's Prince Charming?"

"You mean, his toadness? Who cares. We started fighting again and he stormed off. What are you doing here?"

"Keeping an eye on you. Evidently someone has to. Get in the car and we'll go work out."

"Amanda, is that all you ever do?"

“No darling, but you're not ready for anything else I do. Let's see if we can get you those buns of titanium you want."

He watched Megan get into the bitch's car. //Dammit, she was so ready to be grabbed again. It was just like Friday. She was completely out of it after that fight with that big buffoon of a boyfriend. Obviously, something is going to have to be done about the bitch before I can get the girl.//


After another strenuous workout, Amanda was feeling very relaxed as she showered at the gym. The hot water cascading down her back felt incredible. It was after workouts like this, and sex with Duncan, that Amanda felt most alive...her every nerve awake and vibrating in harmony with the universe. No doubt she had ‘centered her wa’ according to her old sensei master. All she knew is she felt great.

She watched her young protégé out of the corner of her eye. Just the three days of workouts had made some improvements in her muscle tone. Gone were the last traces of baby fat; her abdomen was flat and smooth; her legs tight. Soon she would be a finely wrought specimen. Amanda needed to get her somewhere so she could begin the important phases of her training...sword fighting and how to kill. Amanda had no idea how Megan would take to it; Michele's natural arrogance had made her indifferent to the lessons and had led to her death at the sword of another inexperienced immortal. Amanda intended for this student to survive and prosper.

She brought the subject up in the car on the way home. "Megan, we will need to start the other parts of your training soon. You need to learn how to handle a sword and how to protect yourself from other immortals."

"Why, are you going some place?"

"Child, I can't spend my life guarding yours. You are an immortal. You must accept that fact and the responsibilities that come with it. Either that, or spend the rest of your days either running in fear or cowering on holy ground."

"Holy ground?"

"Immortals cannot fight on holy ground. It is one of our most important prohibitions. Legend has it that two immortals fought on holy ground once in a place called Pompeii."

Megan was silent a moment, and then she said, "Amanda, do you know where 1 am going to college? Georgetown University in Washington DC, a college run by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church."

"Well, all that means is there will be places on the campus that are holy ground. But the entire campus is not. That's why you must learn to defend yourself now, child. I can't lose another student."

Amanda then told Megan about her last student, Michelle. How Michelle had been killed in a car accident, how Duncan MacLeod had brought her from the morgue, and then eventually given her over to Amanda for training. She spoke of Michelle's indifference to the training, and how she had developed this 'I am immortal and nothing can touch me' attitude. Finally, she spoke of the young immortal lad who had lured Michelle out of the convent with promises of a night of illicit passion, and then taken Michelle's head as she lay in afterglow.

Megan was disturbed by her mentor's story. She knew she wouldn't fall prey to such a poor attitude. She was actually still kind of scared of this whole immortality thing. Although some parts were pretty cool. Like that morning when she'd cut her leg while shaving in the shower; it had healed almost instantly. But killing other immortals...she didn't know if she could do that.


The rest of the week was spent in the same fashion. Megan would attend school then ride to the gym with Amanda. Their workouts had expanded. Megan had quickly mastered the Tai Chi movements, flowing through the classic poses as smoothly and effortlessly as condensation down the side of a glass. Amanda added the offensive moves to the repertoire, and soon they performed an intricate ballet of strike, block, and counter-strike. Megan's previous work with gymnastics had given her flexibility and balance; Tai Chi added focus and power.

Amanda felt Megan could now handle the average mugger one-on-one. The next step was defending against a knife. At first, Megan was apprehensive and a little afraid of the knife. After all, she had a lifetime of ‘be careful or you'll cut yourself' conditioning to overcome but after enough repetitions in slow motion, she soon had the knack. Amanda finally called a halt after Megan had defended herself from an all-out full-speed knife attack. Amanda hadn't come close to touching her; instead, she found herself crashing into the wall over ten feet away, without the knife, and with her arms and hands numb.

As they were changing, Amanda told Megan, “Next we will start fencing." Seeing Megan's big smile, she stopped and asked what she'd found so funny.

"It's not that. I just feel so alive! If you trained Michelle like this, I can see why she thought she was invincible. Throwing you across the room was a real kick!"

Amanda swatted Megan with her towel and they finished getting dressed. As they walked out to the car, they saw the man Amanda had defeated fencing that first day. There was something about him that bothered Amanda, above and beyond his pompous arrogance. Megan saw Amanda's look of concern, and followed her gaze. "It's Mr. Creeply. His name is really Evan Westlake, but all the girls call him Creeply. He's always watching, you know? You can feel his eyes crawl all over you. A couple of years ago, they found a video camera rigged to record the women's shower. Nobody could prove anything but we all think Creeply was behind it."

Amanda considered these comments as she drove away, her eyes watching the mirror to see if anyone followed.


Friday Evening - Graduation

Amanda attended the commencement ceremonies. She was surprised and delighted when Megan stood as Valedictorian. Her address spoke simply and starkly of the fleeting nature of life and the urgent need for vigilance against the predators that roamed the fringes of civilization to hunt the innocent or unwary. Reaction was mixed; this wasn't the typical 'face the Challenge of Tomorrow' speech for the graduating class. Instead it was a call to arms for society to expunge the vandals at its gates. Applause was thunderous, but there were whispers of "how terrible it was for her" and "how lucky she'd been that it hadn't been worse."

Evan Westlake sat there trembling with repressed rage. //How dare she? That speech was an indictment aimed at him! She was taunting him - saying he'd done his worse and yet she was still here unharmed// He remembered how she felt as her life ebbed and finally stopped. The quandary her continued existence presented made his head hurt. His emotions were plummeting in an ever-increasing downward spiral into blackness. //She won't be so lucky next time. She'll pay dearly for this.//


After the speeches, the graduation proceeded with the presentation of diplomas, starting with Megan's as

Valedictorian. Once the last student had received their diploma and shaken hands with the Superintendent of Schools and Mayor, the graduates all threw their mortarboards into the air. It was over; they'd graduated at last!

The Carsons and Amanda joined the other graduates and their families and friends at the reception. There was a huge buffet spread and waiters carrying canapés and drinks mingling with the crowd. Grabbing a couple of ice teas, Amanda and Megan stood off to one side and watched the crowd.

"Why didn't you tell me you were the Valedictorian?"

"Oh, at first I just wanted it to be a surprise and then it didn't seem as important in light of all that happened. Were you surprised?"

"Completely. I knew you were a quick study, Megan, but I did not know you were that smart!"

"Smart?" came a deep voice behind them. "The girl is a certified genius. Did she tell you she got a perfect 1600 on her SAT? Or that she's had a 4.0 grade point average since kindergarten?" The pride in Mr. Carson's voice was unmistakable. "I am so very proud of you, Megan. You sure put a bee in everyone's bonnet with that speech of yours, though." He chuckled. "His Honor the Mayor and the Chief of Police looked pretty uncomfortable, having someone tell them so publicly that our streets aren't safe."

"Did anyone else seem disturbed by what she said?" Amanda asked.

"Not that I noticed," he replied. "Why?"

"Just an uneasy feeling. I seem to sense some malevolence in the air.. a harbinger of pending disaster." Her voice trailed off as she caught the look of concern on Mr. Carson's face. "Oh, don't mind me. There's no gypsy blood in my background." Linking her arm through his and Megan’s, she said, "Let's hit that buffet line. I'm starved."

After the reception, Megan wanted to go out with David and some of their other friends. With a quick kiss for her parents and a promise not to be out late, she was gone. Amanda made small talk with the Carsons as they drove back to their home, and then she went to bed.


Westlake followed the teenagers in a dark sedan, as nondescript a vehicle as he could find. It was a perk he'd never really thought about until lately; as the owner of the car dealerships, he could 'borrow' any of the cars overnight. He'd made a point of getting an older used car so it wouldn't attract any attention. And so far it had worked. He could see the girl and her idiot boyfriend a few cars ahead. Just as he'd thought; they were heading out towards the lake. Depending on circumstances, that may be just perfect.


David had been reluctant to suggest the lakeside hangout after the incident on their last date. He didn't want her to think he just wanted to go parking with her. He was sure surprised when Megan had suggested they come out here to 'watch the stars.' Sometimes he didn't understand her at all. But he sure wasn’t complaining tonight.

Megan was also a little confused over her unplanned decision to go to the lake. //What must David be thinking? I was such a freakazoid the other night, and now here I am suggesting we go parking at the lake! Well, if he is sincere about all the apologies he'd made this last week, then things should go fairly slowly. Maybe then it will be okay and I won't freak out again.//

These thoughts continued to swirl in their heads as they arrived at the lake. When David turned off the engine and the lights, they were plunged into darkness. As their eyes adjusted, however, they could see the moonlight sparkling on the lake and the fireflies streaking through the soft summer night. The sky above the trees was filled with stars. The two held hands as they sat, each a little afraid to make that ‘first' move. Finally, Megan turned to David and said, "Kiss me right this minute before I completely lose my nerve." David gently placed his lips on hers, but her embrace was fierce and wild. Megan thrust her tongue against his lips, forcing her way inside. Her fingers captured his hair and she pulled him even tighter against her mouth.

When the kiss finally ended, David said, "Megan, what is it? What are you trying to prove? You don't need to force anything. Relax and let things happen in their own time." He realized Megan was silently weeping, so he put his arm around her and just held her. He figured she'd tell him in her own way when she was ready.

"David, it's not you. It's me and what happened to me up on that mountain. The papers didn't tell the whole story. That man did things to me...touched me. The other night when you touched me, I wasn't ready for it and it was like I was back with him. I was suddenly so scared and felt so helpless. Amanda's been helping me to stop being so afraid all the time by teaching how to protect myself. I guess my kiss was just me wanting you to know that I still feel the same way about you as I did before."

With that, the two slipped into a deeper embrace filled with gentle kisses. David contented himself with running his hands along her back and arms, carefully staying away from those areas he really wanted to touch. She captured his hand and guided it over her shirt to her breast. He kept his hand very still for a moment as she pressed his hand against her firm mound, then he began to gently squeeze and stroke her as they kissed, trying not to cross whatever arbitrary boundary Megan had set for the night. She turned a little as they kissed to give him freer access to her chest. He could feel her nipples, engorged and rigid, through the thin material of her brassiere and blouse. She groaned in her throat as his fingers teased an erect nipple, and she kissed him even harder. After a few moments, Megan broke the kiss and sat up, her breath coming in little gasps.

"Let's take a breather, okay?" She asked, reaching out to stroke his face.

"Sure." He seemed almost shy now. She knew what was wrong, but wasn't sure what she was going to do about it. She knew he was turned on by what they'd been doing, just as she was. Frankly, she didn't really want to stop. She wanted him to touch her naked breasts, and that scared her. What had happened was all fading like it had been a bad dream under his loving caress. Maybe he could banish all the bad dreams.

She moved away from the seat back and pulled her blouse off over her head. David watched open-mouthed as she unhooked her bra and put it on top of the dash with her shirt. She snuggled against him, and drew his mouth to hers. He needed no further encouragement; his hands very gently caressed her naked breasts. He'd never felt anything like their silky resilience. The turgid nipples were a magnet for his fingers. Her kiss became more urgent as he caressed her. She guided his head down and he captured her nipple with his mouth, gently sucking on it and rubbing his tongue on the tip. His other hand stayed busy with her other breast, feeling her nipple get even harder. David knew he needed to stop this; his pants were getting very tight as his erection struggled to get untangled from his jockey shorts. He stopped and sat up, settling her against his chest. He continued to stroke her shoulder and back as they sat.

"What's wrong, David?" she asked quietly, afraid that she'd been too brazen.

"Honey, I just needed to stop for a minute to breathe. You're getting me pretty worked up and I sort of needed a chance to calm down."

"You mean I've made you horny. David, I am just as turned on. You could not begin to understand what your hands and mouth are doing to me; the sensations they send racing through me."

"What I don't understand is . . oh, I don’t know how to say this."

"How I can do this after the mountain? Honey, it's like your hands and mouth are erasing what he'd done to me. Every kiss...every caress...seems to take away another layer of pain. Instead of horror, I've found pleasure. Do you understand?"

"I think so.”

"Good. Let's erase some more bad memories," Megan murmured as she pulled David to her, her mouth seeking his as his hands resumed their exploration of her breasts. As their kisses grew more impassioned, his hands grew ever bolder. He slid one along the outside of her leg moving up towards the leg of her shorts. His fingers slid under the edge and up to her hip. Her tongue pushed deeply into his mouth as his hand caressed her thigh and hip. She moved closer to him and his hand slid around to her backside. His fingers traced the edge of her panties as they kissed.

//I can't believe this. I have my hand on her ass inside her shorts!// As if the thought was the impetus for the action, he slid his hand under the elastic at the leg and inside her panties, caressing the satin smoothness of her buns. After a moment, she shifted her leg, which pulled his hand from inside her shorts. //What the hell// he thought, and reached for the zipper of her shorts. When Megan did not resist, he unfastened her shorts and very slowly began to reach inside the front of her panties, expecting her to stop him at any moment. When his fingers touched her pubic hair and she opened her thighs wider, he knew she really wanted him to touch her there.

David would never tell any of his buddies from school, but he'd never touched a girl 'down there'. Oh, he'd read all the fake letters in Penthouse and assiduously examined the pictures. He had the theoretical knowledge. As his fingers found her slippery crevasse, he realized how unprepared he was for this moment. "Megan," he whispered, "I have never done this before. I'm not sure what to do."

"You're doing fine, lover. Just move a little lower...lower...right there. Oh, yes, right there!" She groaned as his fingers found that sensitive nub buried in the genital folds. She felt an incredible pressure building up inside her. Her entire focus seemed centered on his finger and that one spot. She could feel the tension building. Her nipples were so tight they hurt and she touched them to try to ease them. Small jolts of pleasure, like static electricity sparks, shot through her body from her breasts to that spot when she touched her nipples. Suddenly, it felt like her insides just exploded and melted, the tension collapsing in a rush. Moving became too taxing. Megan relaxed into the wondrous feeling of her first orgasm.

David felt her get really tense and then suddenly relax completely. This was accompanied by an increase in moisture around her vaginal opening. He sensed that he should stop caressing her, at least for the moment, and just held her close to his chest. It was evident, even to him, that they had banished most of her ghosts tonight.


Evan Westlake stood about 15 yards from the car. He could not take his eyes off her semi-naked body as he watched the two embrace. How dare she let this oaf touch her? He'd been pleased when he'd found her virgin on the mountain. Now she was acting cheap, like all the rest. He could see what the boy had been doing. In fact, the light breeze seemed to carry a faint hint of her musk. She was going to pay for this, and the boy would die while she watched.


David leaned back against the seat as he held Megan, marveling at the night's events. He'd never expected to even be able to touch her boobs after last week, and yet tonight he'd touched her everywhere. It was better than he'd dreamed it could be. Who could imagine the silkiness of a girls' skin or the slippery caress of her pussy? He felt Megan shift against him, then was stunned by the feel of her hand on his fly. She eased the zipper down, unbuttoned the waist, and freed his erection from his jockeys. //My God, she was holding him. She was stroking him. Oh, it feels so good. But if she doesn't stop soon...oh, don't stop...stop.. don't stop...oh, God, I'm cumming!//

Megan watched in amazement as David ejaculated all over her hand and his stomach. She had felt the tension building in him and had sensed rather than felt that one moment when he went over the edge. She'd known what was going to happen the minute she decided to unzip his pants, but she also felt that she owed him some relief. He'd given her so much pleasure that a "hand job" seemed the least she could do. She tilted her head up to his and kissed him and she continued to hold his now softening penis. Finally tucking it back inside his shorts, she gave it a friendly pat as she sat up. As David's attention shifted to zipping his shorts without catching anything important, Megan looked at the pearly drop on the back of her hand. After making sure David's was not looking, she brought her hand up and touched her tongue to the drop. She was curious. She'd heard other girls talking in the locker room at school and at the gym about giving head and even swallowing the guy's stuff. It didn't taste bad; it had a taste that made her think of salted peanuts.

David turned to her and stammered, "Uh, Megan, you didn't have to do that."

“Didn't you like it?" She asked.

“Well, yeah, of course I did. It's just that, well, I don't want you to think..." his voice off as he struggled for words,

"Look, Dave. You gave me relief for my hornies. It was only fair that I helped you out, too. Now, we need to reach some kind of understanding about this. We crossed some major boundaries tonight, but I am not interested in crossing any more. I do not intend to make love until I'm married. We can do this again some time, but you must promise me that you will not try to go any farther than this. If you can't, then this will never happen again."

Looking at her near naked form, David wondered who would not agree in this position. He could see her curly pubic hairs since her panties were still pushed down. Her breasts seemed to glow in the moonlight, her nipples still poking out like hard little erasers. Of course, he agreed. They embraced again, kissed, and then Megan pulled her clothes back on straight. She fastened her bra and pulled on her shirt. After running her brush through her hair, she told David it was time to go home.

Westlake was startled when the car engine started. He'd been distracted ever since he'd watched her jerk off the Oaf. His mind began to fantasize as he'd started to stroke himself. He was damn near visible when the headlights cut on, but the car had already been backing up and the lights swept away from his hiding place. He finished as the red tail lights disappeared into the night.


Saturday afternoon

Amanda watched her student as she warmed up. Megan had a far away look in her eyes and a small, almost guilty, smile on her face. //If the Mona Lisa was 17, she’d look like Megan. If I didn't know better, I'd say she looks like she just got laid.//

Since they had skipped the gym on Friday, Amanda decided to move in stages through the material they'd covered in the past. Megan was even more graceful than usual as she moved through the Tai Chi. //She's lost the self consciousness that had inhibited her before. I wonder just what happened last night!// The self defense against the knife didn't go as well; Megan was just too distracted. Amanda decided to drive her point home, literally. The next time Megan failed to block the knife, Amanda allowed the knife to score the topside of Megan’s right breast above her exercise suit.. Her sharp intact of breath at the sudden sting showed Amanda that her student was now back in the here and now.

"Okay, let's talk." She led Megan over to an empty corner of the gym, handing Megan a towel to blot away the thin line of blood from the now healed knife cut. "You have not been paying attention. Megan, I can only guess what's going through your head, but when we are working out, you must focus. If you get in the habit of gliding through these exercises, you will try when it counts.. .and then you will die for good. So, we aren't going to work out any more today. I'm here to listen if you want to talk."

Megan bit her bottom lip as she considered what to say to her friend and mentor. Deciding that she had no secrets from Amanda, she quietly confided, "David and I experimented a bit last night. Amanda, it didn't bother me at all. Well, it affected me, but it didn't bring up any of the bad associations. I let him touch my breast and it felt so good. It seemed to wipe out the bad memory of before. Soooo, I let him go farther that we'd ever gone before and I had the most amazing feeling crash through me. 1 know that it's called an orgasm from health class, but knowing the name and experiencing it are different things! Well, there I was all mellow and poor David's boner was bent double in his shorts. I could see he was in pain but trying to hide it. I helped him by using my hand. Health did not tell us just how far a guy can shoot that stuff! Anyway, we've agreed to draw the line at that point, no farther. After all, how can I defend myself and a baby if I got pregnant? I think Davy is both disappointed and relieved at that decision."

Amanda looked at her young friend, amused by the dichotomy of her innocence and naiveté with the subject matter they were discussing. Smiling, she took Megan’s hand in hers as she said, "Well, I think that is a very wise decision for a variety of reasons. You will know when the time is right for that step. I'm relieved that you were able to overcome the ghosts of that night, but hope you won't go overboard." //Duncan would never believe I said that!// Amanda leaned forward and hugged Megan, then held her by the shoulders and stared into Megan's eyes. "But if you ever fail to concentrate on these exercises, I will start teaching you the way my trainer taught me, by killing me every time I goofed. We still die, you know. We just heal and resume living. You feel the pain both dying and waking back up. It is an excellent aid to keep you focused on your lessons, my girl. Is that what you want?"

“No, of course not. Umm, Amanda...oh, never mind."

“Well, judging by your embarrassed hesitation, you have found a question you don't know the answer to and are not really sure just how to ask. Therefore, it must be about sex, and it must be something beyond your limited experience of last night. Megan, child, you can not embarrass me with any question you ask. I've been around a very long time. In that time, I have had many lovers, mortal and immortal, and have tried just about everything. Ask away.”

'Well, I was just wondering..." she leaned close to Amanda's ear and whispered “what is like when a guy, you know, kisses you down there?"

“Ah, treasure, words cannot describe that. You are in for a real treat, if the person doing the kissing knows what to do. Oh, I suppose, even an amateur's attentions can be gratifying, but nothing can take the place of a well educated tongue." Looking at Megan's face, she decided to answer the second half, "And no, it won't hurt you or make you sick if you go down on him. Just don't try to take too much in at once and be prepared to swallow."

Megan blushed bright red, looking away in embarrassment. How had Amanda known what she was thinking? The two went into the locker room and showered. Megan caught a glimpse of Amanda's naked form, which crystallized what Amanda had actually said in her response. "Amanda," Megan asked as Amanda stepped over to the locker they shared, "I was just thinking about some of the things you said, and the way you said them. Have you ever . . well, been with a woman?"

Amanda looked steadily at her young friend. "Yes, many times. You will find, as the centuries go past, that gender really doesn't matter. What does is love and affection, caring and tenderness. The packaging is not important. Does that bother you?"

"I don't know. I mean, I understand intellectually what you're saying. I just don't know how I feel about it inside."

"Well, think about it and let me know. But understand this, youngster. I don't pursue those who don't tell me they are interested. If you are worried about being with me like this, don't be. I have never abused a student's trust." With that, Amanda finished dressing and they left the gym. They did not speak in the car as Amanda wanted to give Megan plenty of opportunity to think about all the things they'd talked about, not just her orientation. When they reached the house, Amanda made her excuses and drove off into the night giving Megan more time.


Westlake could not believe it...the Bitch was going off without the girl. This might be a chance to get rid of the woman. He started the truck's engine. This old Ford pickup would be perfect. He began to follow Amanda. //I wonder where she's going// he thought as she turned down a road that led out of town and up into the foothills. He stayed back for a way as the traffic thinned, waiting and watching.

Amanda was really driving on autopilot, her mind on Megan. She sure hoped the child came to understand that Amanda was not a threat to her. Megan was not ready to be out on her own. She still needed years of patient practice and, of course, sword training. Then there was the whole sex thing. Amanda almost choked when Megan mentioned pregnancy, but felt the time was not right to tell her that immortals couldn't get pregnant. The way Megan was acting, Amanda felt Megan would be flat on her back with David in a flash if she knew the truth. It wouldn't hurt anything, except possibly for her reputation if it became widely known, but despite her beliefs, Megan was not ready for that level of commitment. She had not gotten rid of the trauma; it was still there deep inside, festering, awaiting the right moment to explode in Megan's mind.

Amanda's inattention led her deeper into the foothills, where the road began to switch back and forth around the gullies and ravines. The sudden roar of a truck engine made her look up into the mirror in time to see a black pickup smash into the rear of her car, sending it over the edge of the road and into space. It hung suspended for a moment, then began to fall into the ravine. Amanda jumped from the car just before impact. She heard the crash of metal, the breaking of glass, and the whoosh of the fire as the car ignited into a ball of flames.

//God Damn! Some son of a bitch just tried to kill me!//


Megan and David were just driving aimlessly around the town while they talked when the fire trucks went thundering past. The pall of smoke rising from the foothills told the truck's destination. Megan suddenly had a very bad feeling. "David, follow those trucks."

"Ah, Megan, I don't want to do that. You know the cops will stop us, anyway.”

"Please, David. I need to go there. I feel it."

Reluctantly, David followed the fire engines out of town and into the foothills. They could see the burning wreckage in the ravine ahead as the approached. "Stop here," Megan demanded, and when the truck came to a stop, she jumped out the door and started down the side of the ravine.

"Megan, have you lost your mind? Where the hell are you going?" David shouted after her.

"Come on. I think I will need your help."

David came down the steep side of the ravine and followed Megan as she ran ahead. He heard her cry out and ran faster. He found her bent over the unconscious body of Amanda Darieux, crooning wordlessly as she held the woman and rocked. Before he could intervene, Amanda coughed and opened her eyes. It took a moment for her eyes to focus and register, then she croaked, "Hi, pumpkin. How did you find me?"

"I just felt you needed me. Amanda, what happened?"

“Somebody just pushed me over a cliff. I think he was trying to kill me. I think we should let him believe he succeeded. With me out of the way, he may come out into the open after you. Then we will have him where we want him."

David's wide eye expression told the women that he wasn't completely understanding what they were talking about. "If someone tried to kill you, ma'am, then we should call the cops. They gotta know what's going on."

"David, that won't work. We don’t know who is after Megan. He would just hide again and strike when he wants. This way, he won't be watching for me and I can nail him first. David, if you love Megan, you must trust us in this. I do know what I am doing and I can protect Megan from harm."

Reluctantly, David agreed and the two teens smuggled Amanda back into Megan's house. They quickly explained the situation to the Carsons, including the need for everyone to think Amanda was missing and presumed dead. Their concern for Megan and the trust they'd developed in Amanda tipped the scales in their favor.

When the police arrived at the house, they were told that Amanda had gone out for a drive and had not returned. Yes, she had a rental car. The police explained the car had been found crashed in a ravine, completely gutted by flames. There had been no trace of Amanda and she was presumed dead. Megan put on a believable display of grief for her missing rescuer.

The news spread over the town like a wild fire before a strong wind.


The Daily News had a picture of the burned out shell of Amanda’s car. The accompanying story listed her as presumed dead because “the intense heat of the fire would have destroyed all human remains.” The burnt purse and tattered shoe found under the car added further credence to the supposition.

Evan Westlake was humming as he walked into his dealership. One of his sales people told him that one of the used cars, an old Ford pickup, was missing from the lot. He personally called the police to report the theft. He knew it would never be found since it was resting at the bottom of Peterson’s Quarry, the abandoned mining site now filled with over a hundred feet of murky water. You know, that quarry would make a great final resting place for the Oaf. Once the Oaf joined the Bitch in the Great Beyond, he’d have a clear shot at the girl again.


David drove down Megan's street, looking for a place to park. Knowing that Amanda was following and watching them had really inhibited Megan, and David was getting tired of it. After all, he was 6-1 and had been All-State three years in a row in both basketball and wrestling. He was pretty sure he could protect Megan — probably better than that woman could. What he needed to do was convince Megan and then give Amanda the slip. He knew just how to do that, too, and that was go some place far away from town. Since Amanda had no way to follow them, they could actually be alone for a change. He pulled in to the curb and parked, then walked up to the door.

David liked going to Megan's house. Her parents always acted like they were glad to see him and made him feel like he was a member of the family. They even teased him. He just wished his own home life was like this; his parents didn’t seem to care one way or the other about him.

Megan slipped quietly to the doorway and watched David interact with her parents. It always amazed her how easily he fit in. Right now he was drying the dishes with her Mom while talking with her Dad about the local news. The dominant topic was the stolen pickup from Westlake Ford. Popular opinion was that kids had taken it for a joy ride, but the Carsons knew it matched Amanda’s description of the hit-and-run vehicle used by her would-be killer.

“Look, David, you’re a pretty big guy and I know you won’t let anything happen to Megan. She should be safe with you,” Mr. Carson said.

“Who’s gonna protect me from David?” Megan asked as she came into the room, the resulting laughter breaking the tension.

“So what are your plans for tonight?” asked Mrs. Carson.

“I thought we might drive over to Madison to the movies,” David said. “Since we’re out of school now, it shouldn’t make much difference if we get back kinda late.”

“How late is ‘kinda late’?” asked Mr. Carson.

“Oh, Dad, relax. I’ll be home in time for breakfast, anyway.” Megan laughed at her Dad’s outraged expression. “We’d be back about 2 or 2:30. It’s a long drive and the movie won’t get out till around midnight.”

Her Mom shot her Dad one of her patented ‘we’ll talk about this later’ looks and said, “Go ahead, honey, have a good time. We’ll leave the front door unlocked.”

Megan slipped upstairs and told Amanda of the revised plans. Amanda agreed there was no way to shadow them that far away, so she told Megan to just keep her eyes open and be careful. She knew the kids really wanted some time by themselves. Reluctantly, she watched them drive away.


Evan Westlake drove out to the lakeside trysting spot, but Megan and the Oaf weren’t there. Their customary spot was occupies by another pair f randy teens. He watched them make out, amused by the fact this boy wasn’t being as lucky as the Oaf had been. She’d stopped him from going any farther than touching her breasts as they kissed. Westlake didn’t mind; she had nice tits. He knew that, sooner or later, he’d find Megan again.


When they reached Madison, they drove over the Davis memorial Bridge and went to the West Side Drive-In Movie Theater, the last of its kind in the whole state. David parked the truck in an isolated portion of the last row, killed the ignition and the parking lights, the slid the bench seat all the way back for the most room. As soon as he turned towards her, Megan was in her arms. Her lips were tender and inviting.

The kiss deepened and Megan pressed tighter against him. He slowly moved his hand up her arm and then over to her breast, //She’s not wearing a bra!// He gently kneaded her breast while rubbing his thumb over her erect nipple. As Megan put her arms around his neck, he pulled her blouse from her skirt and moved his hand under to her bare breast. Megan began to moan as he played with both her nipples.

“That feels so good,” she murmured as he stroked her sensitive breasts. She guided his head down as he lifted her blouse out of the way. His lips eagerly sought her breast, suckling and nipping gently with his teeth at her swollen nipples. She held his head tightly against her breast as his tongue danced around her nipple. His hand moved upwards along the inside of her thigh, reaching under her short skirt. His fingers pressed against her panty clad mons veneris as his lips pulled harder at her nipple.

She pushed against his chest and he quickly sat up, his hand immediately breaking contact. She leaned into him, and kissed him deeply, her tongue teasing his, as her hand moved slowly across his chest and down his stomach. She traced the outline of the bulge in his jeans, then began to lightly stroke it. As her hand began its caress, David brought his hand back to the junction of Megan's thighs. He could feel her slit through the silky rayon fabric — fabric that was soon soaked with Megan's passion.

Megan could tell David was bent over downwards, so she unzipped his fly. //Hey, snap front boxers. Cool!// She unsnapped them and freed his erection from the restrictive confines of his shorts. She lightly stroked it as she felt David ease his hand inside her panties. His finger caressed her whole slit, dipped into her opening, and then back to her sensitive button. Her breath started getting ragged as he repeated his explorations, over and over gain. Her hand moved lightly along his shaft and then down over his balls, her fingernails grazing the underside of his sac. David’s breathing was now very rapid, so Megan slowed her attentions.

David was not interested in slowing down. He bent his head to her breasts once again as his fingers continued to explore her pussy. Megan released his erection and placed both hands on his head. Without conscious thought, she applied a gentle downward pressure, guiding his head down her body until his lips reached the place his fingers had just been exploring. His tongue felt good but it didn’t seem to feel as great as Amanda had said — that must be from David’s lack of experience. He sure seemed to make up in enthusiasm what he lacked in experience so she let him continue for a few minutes — it did feel good, after all — then pulled him back up.

When she kissed him, she hadn’t really expected the feel and taste of her own juices on his lips and face. It didn’t bother her; in fact, she thought she tasted pretty good. Megan did manage to clean most of the traces from his face and lips as they kissed. His hands caressed her breasts, toying with her nipples. She resumed her gentle caress of his rigid prick as his hand drifted under her skirt. Just as his fingers made contact with her most sensitive spot, the floodlights came on illuminating the entire drive in. As they hastily dressed, Megan could see other couples also scrambling for their clothes. They soon joined the throng at the concession stand and rest rooms.

There was a thick pall of cigarette smoke in the ladies' room. Megan had never seen such a disreputable facility — three stalls with no doors, two sinks, and no mirrors. As she waited in line, she looked at the other girls her age and was amused by the number of fresh hickeys. There was something she would never have to worry about. She’d heal before anyone ever saw a “love bite” on her neck. Embarrassed by the lack of privacy, Megan quickly finished her business, washed her hands, and left the rest room. It had still taken her so long that the next movie had started. As she walked back to the truck, she noticed the action in the cars had started as well. She tried not to stare at the other couples, but she couldn’t completely avoid seeing what some of them were doing. She was very glad they had parked in the back so no one had gone past them while they were busy.

Megan got into the truck and David handed her a coke. “I never knew making out could be such thirsty work,” he quipped as he toasted her with his 44 ounce cup.

“You must have more work in mind with a drink that size!” Megan laughed as she slid over next to David and he put his arm around her. They started to watch the movie as the sipped their cokes. Megan hadn’t really paid any attention to what was playing as had pulled in to the theater. She wasn’t sure what this one was called, but she knew this wasn’t family fare. //Oh, this is helpful. No wonder there’s so many teen pregnancies!// The torrid love scene on the screen evidently inspired David as his hand moved down from her shoulder on to her breast. His gentle touch and the on screen action enflamed Megan. She slid her hand along his leg and lightly stroked the growing bulge in his pants.

David began to kiss the side of her neck. //If we aren’t careful, these drinks will be history and we’ll have a mess!// She mentioned her concerns and David placed their drinks in the special cup holders. As she slid back in to his arms, she decided to play. She pulled his shirt off over his head, and then began to nip and lick at his nipples. They were soon hard as little rocks and he was squirming under her touch. Next, she unfastened his belt, unsnapped his jeans and boxers, then pushed them down past his knees. She began to stroke his shaft lightly with her left hand while her right caressed his scrotum. His knees parted in encouragement as her fingers on her right hand explored. She could feel the shiver of excitement race through him as her fingernail gently scraped the slight ridge that ran from under his balls back between his buttocks.

David had his head back and his eyes closed as she stroked. Finally working up her nerve, Megan bent her head and kissed it. It seemed to pulse when her lips touched it, and David gasped in surprise. He had a pleasant yeasty smell. She kissed the head again, this time letting her tongue stroke the surface of the glans. David’s groan of pleasure and the way his hips lifted told her he liked what she was doing. When her tongue had circled around the head completely, she opened her mouth and slowly took the tip inside. She continued to stroke the shaft and play with his balls as she licked his prick like a tootsie-roll pop.

“Oh, baby, you’d better stop!” David said as he placed his hands against the back of her head.

//Stop, hell!// she thought as she tightened her lips around his shaft and began to take more of him into her mouth. When the tip almost touched the back of her mouth, she began to pump her hand faster. Her saliva had coated his shaft, giving her a very slippery surface. She felt his balls contract, then a jet of his hot, sticky stuff hit the back of her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could as spurt after spurt shout out, but some still escaped the corner of her mouth. //Turn about is fair play// she thought as she lifted her head to kiss him. He tensed as he realized what the strange taste was, but her warm lips and gentle hands made it unimportant.

David now undressed Megan and began to explore her young body with his hands and mouth. As his head reached her pussy, Megan's legs drew up then fell open — her heels against her buttocks, completely exposing her pussy. David found her most sensitive spot and closed his lips around the small erect button. Using gentle suction along with a stroking tongue, David escalated Megan's passions as he pushed two fingers into her vagina. He rocked the fingers in and out as he sucked on her clit. Her hips began to buck involuntarily and her head tossed from side to side as her passion built. She bit her hand to keep from crying out when the orgasm washed over her.

David covered her with a light blanket as they rested in afterglow. He stroked her auburn tresses as she lay with her head in his lap, her hand now curled around his shaft. She continued to gently stroke him, now marveling at the way it seemed alive as it expanded in her hand until it was once again hard and stiff. His hands likewise explored her most intimate regions and she could feel that now welcome tightening within her. Megan sat up and quickly straddled David’s hips, He could not believe this was happening as she guided the head into her open pussy, and the slowly sank down taking the shaft inside her.

“I don’t have any protection, Megan” David cried out.

“We’ll just have to take a chance this time.” Megan began to raise and lower her hips with a slight twisting motion added in. David grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as she rode him. Her pace gradually increased and she began to mutter “Oh, yes...oh, yes...deeper...oh, yes...oh, yes.” As her climax hit, she screamed “I love you, David!” His upward thrust lifted them both as, buried to the roots, he pumped his semen into her. She collapsed against his chest as passion ebbed, and they held each other in this second afterglow.

When David’s now flaccid penis slipped from inside, Megan could feel the remnants of his semen drip from within her and onto the seat cover. “Shit,” she said as she slid off David’s lap and put on her panties. After they dressed, they walked over to the rest rooms where they cleaned up as best they could. The movie had ended as the came out, and they started home.

As they drove back over the bridge, Megan turned to David and said, “I know the other night I said we weren’t going to cross any other boundaries. I guess I was wrong because we sure leaped over all the borders tonight. There’s no use pretending we’ll never do this again. We both know we will, but next time we must use protection. We’ve both got too many plans for me to get pregnant now.”

David agreed and then shifted the conversation to what he thought would be safer ground, their plans for college. He said, “Are you sure you want to go to Georgetown? I mean, you could go to State with me and we could be together.”

“David, get this straight. Just because we made love tonight is no reason to change our plans. I have a full scholarship to Georgetown and I’m not giving that up.”

“But honey, what about us?”

“What about us nothing! If you are suddenly going to get all possessive because of tonight, the you have had your last adventure with me!”

They drove the rest of the way in silence. When they reached her house, Megan jumped from the truck and ran inside. //No kiss...not even a goodnight. Shit!// David thought as he drove away.


Amanda was still awake, pretending to be reading a book. She didn’t fool herself one bit; she was waiting up because she worried about Megan. When she heard the front door open and Megan run up the stairs, Amanda finally relaxed. Before she could put her book down, however, Megan barged into the room and plopped onto the bed. The heady aroma told Amanda that her concerns had been valid; Megan was now obviously sexually active.

“David is such a toad!” Megan announced. “Guess what he did tonight!”

“You mean, aside from screwing your brains out? Or was that the answer?”

“No, silly, that’s not the answer, but how did you know?”

“Darling girl, you positively reek of sex. Believe me, if your Mom or Dad catch a whiff, the cat will definitely be out of the bag. Go shower, get a good night’s sleep, and we’ll talk in the morning.”

“But Amanda, he’s so possessive! He wants me to give up my scholarship to Georgetown to go to Sate with him!”

“Megan, shower. Shoo! We’ll talk tomorrow.” Amanda turned off her light to emphasize her point.

“Oh, all right.” Megan grumbled as she left Amanda’s room. She took a scalding hot shower to open her pores, relax her, and cleanse the last vestiges of sex from her body. When she climbed into bed nude, she fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow.


Since Amanda was ‘presumed dead’ by the town, they’d found an old abandoned barn to practice in. Sneaking out there at first light, with Megan grumbling about the ungodly hour, they were soon hidden from view and starting their stretching routines. After warming up, they started sparring but soon quit as Megan began to relate the highlights of the previous evening and David’s new possessiveness. Amanda explained that this was not uncommon. Boys tended to take sex very seriously, she said, especially anything that interfered with it.

“They can be so unfair! How do you put up with it?”

“I don’t. No man has any say over my life. I come and go as I please, do what I want, when I want. This independence also means there are times when I’m alone and lonely. Everything has it’s price, Megan, especially freedom.”

“But what do I do about David?”

“That’s up to you. If it were me, I’d let him stew in his own juices for a couple of weeks. You need to start moving away from him soon, anyway. Remember, your normal life is over. We need to get you trained for your new one.”

“I know. You’re right. It’s just that...” Megan's voice trailed off wistfully.

“It felt so good.” Amanda finished Megan's thought. “There will be plenty of time for that. Now, let’s get back to work.”


July 15th

Evan Westlake’s frustration had turned to rage. He’d been trying to find that girl everywhere but had no luck. He’d even shadowed the Oaf, but that had proven useless. //Must have been a doozy of a fight//

A chance conversation with Mr. Carson had given him the answer. The adult Carsons were going away for the weekend leaving Megan home alone. If the Oaf came over, fine, but tonight Megan would be his to do with as he pleased.


Megan had just finished doing the dinner dishes when the telephone rang. As she expected, it was David. “Look, why don’t you just come on over so we can talk. And I mean just talk. Remember, Amanda is still here.”

After she hung up the phone, she went upstairs to Amanda’s room. “I need a favor. David is coming over and I want to talk with him alone. Could you sorta stay upstairs while he’s here. I swear we’re just gonna talk. It’s going to be tough telling him we’re through. It would be harder if you were there when I did it.”

“Okay, but if you need me, just holler. My door will be open.”


Evan Westlake watched as the Oaf entered the house. //Think you’re gonna get lucky tonight, boy? You don’t know how wrong you are.// Westlake crept close to the house and looked through the living room windows. He watched as they entered the room. When Megan sat in the wingback chair and the Oaf sat on the sofa alone, Westlake thought //tough luck, sonny.//

Westlake moved around the back of the house. As he’d expected, the wooden door was open and the screen door was unlatched. He eased open the door and slipped into the kitchen, he moved over to the dining room, where he could hear them talking.

“David, you must realize that I am leaving for college next week and you’ll be off to State shortly after that. We’re moving in separate directions, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends.”

“Friends? You said you loved me!” David cried.

//Get a grip, boy. Take it like a man.// Westlake thought as he watched the little melodrama unfold.

“What I said in a moment of passion is one thing, reality is another. Sex with you has been wonderful, but it doesn’t change the facts. look, if we are meant to be, then fate will bring us back together.”

//Now ain’t that sweet? What drivel.// With that thought, Evan Westlake stepped into the living room. David saw him, but it didn’t register for a moment that this stranger was wearing a ski mask and was pointing a gun at him. “Say good-bye, boy” Westlake said as he pulled the trigger. Megan screamed as the shot rang out and David slumped over bonelessly to the floor.

Amanda was moving at the sound of Megan's scream and the gunshot. Clad solely in sports bra and panties, she burst into the living room with her sword in her hand. She saw an intruder with a large caliber handgun pointed at Megan, who was standing over David’s bloody body.

Westlake saw Amanda. “You’re supposed to be dead!” Seeing the sword, he said, “oh, it’s much too late for fencing, and that blade is too heavy anyway.” With that, he shot Amanda between her breasts. As she fell, Amanda threw her sword to Megan. Before he could react, Megan began slashing at him.

“You son of a bitch. You’re not gonna hurt me again. You’re not gonna hurt any body ever again.” She kept hacking at him, knocking the gun from his half-severed arm. He tripped over Amanda as he backed away from Megan, and she pounced. The sword slammed through his chest, the point buried in the parquet floor. Westlake’s bloody fingers clutched feebly at the blade, then fell lifeless as he died.

Megan knelt by David and knew it was too late; her David was gone. She pulled his lifeless body into her arms and rocked him as she wept. Amanda’s gasp at rebirth did not register through her grief, nor did Amanda’s voice as she telephoned the Carsons and then the Police.


Amanda explained to Detective Miller why she’d felt it necessary to appear dead, and how she’d believed the attempt on hr life was related to Megan's kidnapping. She altered the night’s events slightly to omit her own death. She stated she’d come into the room too late to save David (true) and that Megan had grabbed the sword in a desperate attempt to save herself and Amanda (also true to a limited degree), killing Westlake in self-defense.

Megan was taken to the hospital and treated for shock. While she was gone, Amanda cleaned the living room of the remnants of the violence that had marred the night. The only remaining trace was the gouge in the wood floor from the sword point. It had taken two paramedics to pull that sword from the floor so they could remove the body. The power of rage knew no limits. Megan's parents had rushed home and then to the hospital. When they returned, Amanda was sitting in the living room waiting for them.

“She’s going to be okay. The doctor gave her a sedative and wanted to keep an eye on her overnight,” Martha Carson said as she sat down.

Amanda nodded, took a deep breath, and then spoke. “I want you to let me take Megan away from here right after David’s funeral. She needs to get away from all this and regain her equilibrium. I have helped others through this kind of situation before, and I know I can help her. Will you let me?”

“But what about college? She was supposed to start next week...” Martha fretted.

“I doubt if Megan is ready to start college in her current frame of mind. I will call the college on Monday and explain the situation. I’m sure they will keep her scholarship open and let her start next year.” Mr. Carson said as he held his wife’s hand. “Amanda, we are so grateful that you were here tonight. Your presence probably saved Megan's life by distracting him that fraction of a minute she needed.” He paused and looked at his wife. At her nod of agreement, he continued, “If you think you can help Megan come to grips with all this, then you have our blessings. Whatever help you need — money or whatever — it’s yours.”

“Mr. Carson, I don’t need your money. I have plenty of my own. What Megan will need is love and understanding, and I promise to give her plenty of both. I will take very good care of her and make sure she keeps in touch with you.” With that, Martha Carson stood and drew Amanda into her arms and hugged her tightly.


As the crowd dispersed from the cemetery, Megan hugged and kissed her folks good-bye then climbed into Amanda’s replacement rental car. They drove slowly away — Megan stared out the back window of the car watching her parents until they were lost from view. The she turned and asked, “So, where are we going, anyway?”

“A friend of mine had this place up in Washington State. It’s a cabin on an island in the middle of a river. It is also holy ground, so it will be a safe place for you until we get you trained.” At Megan's muttered ‘I hate camping’ Amanda continued, “Duncan’s place is really nice. Just be glad it’s not winter.


EMail: TheGreyOwl