DISCLAIMER: The concept and standard characters of Highlander belong to Panzer/Davis; I'm only borrowing them for a while so they can play with the characters from my universe. They will be returned unharmed and, for the most part, unchanged.

This is the fourth story in the Protege series. It would be very helpful to read them in order (especially if you want them to make sense!)

Comments, praise, and constructive criticisms are always welcome, so please email me!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
by TheGreyOwl

Joe's Apartment, about 9:00 p.m.

"The outcome of the fight was determined when Conner MacLeod trapped Velar's blade with his chest, then he decapitated Velar with a single stroke. Following the quickening, the MacLeods, Amanda, and Megan Carson took the remains of Kenny away for private burial. I was unable to ascertain their final resting place." Dawson paused for a moment. "This completes my initial report. My detailed formal report will be filed at the Watcher Archives within seven days." After listening to the playback to verify the synopsis said what he wanted, Joe pressed the required key combination to file the voice mail report then he hung up the telephone.

Once again, I have violated my Watcher Oath to accurately record the lives of these Immortals. As usual, I have completely ignored the existence of Methos. After all, he's considered a myth by almost everyone...why spoil everyone's preconceptions with simple facts? Joe thought as he sat in the easy chair. Of course, the world's oldest Immortal can take care of himself...he's been doing very well for over 4,000 years. No, my problem is with one of the world's newest Immortals. I need to find something to occupy my mind so I'll stop thinking about her. Think I'll go play some blues and drink some very old bourbon.

Joe's Apartment...Much Later

Joe leaned against the wall next to his bed as he undid his shirt. Too many shots of bourbon, Joseph my man. When will I ever learn not to try to drink a pair of Immortal Scots under the table? Joe eased himself down onto the bed. Oh, shit. Why does the bed have to spin clockwise when I drink too much? Must be like the Coriolis Effect...maybe in South America beds spin counter-clockwise.

Joe closed his eyes, and his mind was suddenly filled with her image. Megan. Megan laughing. Megan smiling. Megan asleep in his arms back at the plaza. Megan on the sofa at Duncan's nearly nude. Oh, God, why am I so besotted with this young woman? I'm too old for her, not to mention the lack of legs. She'd laugh me out of town if she knew what I'd been thinking...or come after me with a sword! No, I'll just keep these thoughts to myself and dream. Once again, Megan's naked torso filled his mind's eye as Joe drifted off to sleep.

The Crown Plaza Hotel, Pacific Suite, Same Time

Amanda walked into the living room of the suite they had been living in since the fire destroyed the dojo and loft. As she suspected, there sat her young student staring into space. Megan had been preoccupied all evening. Even Methos had not been able to jolly her out of her funk; she'd just sat there, playing with her soda while watching Joe Dawson and the boys play the blues.

"What's been the matter with you tonight, Megan? You're staying in the best suite the Crown Plaza has to offer. The bad guys have been sent packing. The Insurance Company has agreed to rebuild the dojo and loft. Both the MacLeods are out on the town drunk as only Highland Scots can be. Yet you mope around like someone broke all your cookies. What's up? Tell Mother Amanda." Amanda tried to tickle Megan but gave up as the young woman raised her tear-streaked face to Amanda, threw her arms about the older woman, and began to cry loudly.

What on Earth? Amanda thought as she held the sobbing teen. What brought this on?

"Oh, Amanda, what am I going to do? I'm falling in love and I'm so afraid he'll push me away." Megan started crying even harder.

Say what? Who? Duncan? No, she got passed the crush on him right away. Methos? She acts more like his kid sister. Conner? Ah, they just met and he's never said two words to her. Amanda wracked her brain, trying to think of anyone else Megan had been in contact with. Oh, my Lord. She's fallen for Joe Dawson!

"Oh, Angel, I think you are reaching for a brass ring that will always be just out of reach. Joe is a very uptight product of his generation. He's always going to see you as someone younger than his daughter." Seeing Megan's reaction, Amanda continued, "Yes, he has a daughter who is also a Watcher. The age difference will be a serious problem for him."

"That's not fair! It's not my fault I will always look so young! Hell, many men his age want wives or girlfriends that look my age."

"Joe isn't most men, and that's why we love him, isn't it? While you might beat the age thing with logic, there is another problem that logic won't help with. You do know that Joe lost both legs in Viet Nam, right? He has a double prosthesis and, of course, his canes so he can get around just fine. But, and it's a big but, he's very private it on a personal level. I don't know if you will ever overcome all the barriers Joe has erected between him and the rest of the world, but I wish you luck."

The two women sat on the sofa talking strategy and techniques. They were still talking when they night bellman helped two drunken Scots to the door.

"Duncan, why don't we go away for a few days?" Amanda asked the next morning, speaking over the sound of his shower.

"What? Amanda, I can't hear you."

Right answer Amanda thought as she shrugged off her robe and stepped into the shower. She pressed up against his back, slid her arms around his waist, and said, "We should go away for a few days, say San Francisco or Los Angeles. Just the two of us, order a lot of room service, sleep later."

"The two of us in 'Frisco sounds great," Duncan said as he caught Amanda's hands as they started to move down his washboard abdomen. "Make yourself useful...wash my back."

As she scrubbed Duncan's back, Amanda smiled to herself. Phase One complete. Now, where was I? As she ran her soapy hands over his buns, and then around his hips to the front.

Conner MacLeod knew Amanda had something on her mind. He'd met the sultry thief a few times over the centuries, but had only gotten to know her in the years since Tessa's death. He'd never tell her, but he thought Amanda was good for his straight-arrow nephew. She had brought a much-needed spontaneity into Duncan's life, and made him see that life also contained shades of gray. The funny part was that Amanda felt Conner was a bad influence on his younger kinsman. Well, if last night is any indication, she may have a point! Looking at Amanda's Cheshire smile, he decided he would pre-empt whatever plot she was hatching. "Well, Amanda, its been fun seeing you again, but I will be moving on today. I've been here too long as it is, and you and the lad need some more privacy than you've been getting with me underfoot."

Amanda responded with insincere assurances that Conner was never in the way and that she enjoyed watching Duncan celebrate family rituals. As she spoke, her mind was gloating Phase Two complete!

Joe's Blues Bar

Methos found the party in full swing when he walked into the bar. "Hey group, what's the occasion?"

"It's a combination 'So Long Conner, Bon Voyage Amanda and Duncan' party." Amanda said cheerfully. "Duncan and I are slipping away for a few days alone and Conner's going wherever it is that Conner goes."

"Well," Methos said, putting his arm around Megan, "I guess that leaves me to watch over our fledgling here."

Amanda watched as Megan seemed to lean away from Methos as if she was uncomfortable because of his familiarity. The narrowing of Joe's eyes and thinning of his lips indicated Joe had also noticed Megan's movement, Amanda noted. Excellent! Amanda exulted inwardly. When Joe went to tend the bar, Amanda went over to him. 'Buy a girl a drink?" When he handed her a glass of wine, she said, "Joe, I have a real problem. Frankly, I'm worried about Megan. Methos looks too much like the fox surveying the hen house. I just don't like the way he's been looking at Megan, which means I may have to call off this trip with Duncan."

Joe's eyes had darted over to Megan as Amanda spoke. His gaze lingered, soft as a butterfly's kiss, on her face. His expression hardened, however, as he caught sight of Methos arm around Megan's shoulders. "Umm, Amanda, I may have an idea. She could stay at my place. I mean, there's enough room and she'll be safe there.

"Why, thank you, Joe! That would be perfect. It will let us close up the suite while we're gone, too. Oh, I feel so much better about this trip now, knowing Megan will be in such good hands." Phase Three. Now it's up to you, kid Amanda thought as she looked at her young friend.

Conner stood up shortly after Amanda and Joe rejoined the group at the table. "Raise you glasses to friends, the best in this or any century!" After everyone chimed in with 'Hear, Hear' Conner tossed his single malt whiskey down in a single swallow. He picked up his cream-colored belted trenchcoat and started making his farewells. Embracing Duncan, he said "Kinsman, watch your back or this Sassenach wench will land you in the soup." To Methos, a quick grip interlocking the forearms without words. He swept Amanda into his arms for a deep kiss, followed by a swat on her rear. "Take good care of my nephew; he's the best of us all." Conner then kissed Megan's hand gently. "Fair winds, lass. You're a fine addition to our fellowship. I hope to see you again." Then he was gone, his trenchcoat swirling over his sneakers as he stepped into the night fog and vanished.

As if that was the signal, the group started to gather their things. To forestall Methos and rescue Megan, Amanda announced, "There's one minor change in plans. Joe has offered Megan a place to stay while we're gone. This will let us settle with the Crown Plaza before we go. Joe, we'll be by about ten after a leisurely breakfast. Night, Methos. See you in a few days."

Methos could only stand there and watch open-mouthed as Amanda shepherded her flock out the door, Duncan trailing behind with a sheepish grin.

Joe frantically cleaned his apartment. As a chronic bachelor, Joe had adopted the typical 'that's clean enough' attitude towards dirt. He was paying for it now. He'd started cleaning as soon as he'd gotten home from closing the bar and he was no where near finished. At least the bathroom is done. Thank God I only have a shower stall; a bathtub would have been beyond me today. He was wiping the mirror when the knock came at his front door.

"It's open!" He yelled as he pushed the bathroom cleaning supplies into the cabinet under the sink. Catching his image in the now-spotless mirror, he thought Joe, you really look old this morning. Staying up all night cleaning was not the best choice for your looks, sport. He shook his head, then joined his guests in the living room.

Amanda was wandering around the room, her calibrated eyeballs calculating the value of the various objects d'art Joe had tucked amidst the cluttered bookshelves. Poor man. I hope he got most of these as gifts and didn't actually spend money on them Although there are two nice pieces... she thought, until she caught Duncan's stern glance. Turning on her best 'Who me? I'm being good' smile, Amanda turned and greeted Joe as he entered the room.

"I told you we'd be here around ten and here we are." She started to chatter about he trip she and Duncan had planned until finally Duncan walked up and placed his hand over her mouth.

"We'll be off now. I'll give you a call when we finally find a place to stay." Duncan said. "I appreciate the fact you didn't assign a temporary watcher to me for this trip." He glanced at Amanda. "It will be great to be able to stop anywhere along the road without someone recording it for posterity!" Everyone laughed at this as they moved toward the door.

"Now Mac, you know we never peek at such things. We only record important things about your lives. Sexual Olympics are just so...common."

Amanda hugged Megan, whispering in her ear "It's all up to you now, kid. Good luck." Then they were gone and Joe was closing the door. Megan was now alone with Joe in his apartment.

Joe was chuckling. "Duncan was so glad he didn't have a watcher, I didn't have the heart to point out that Amanda still does. I'll be notified if anything happens. You see, Megan, when a group of Immortals are friends they way you all are, the Watchers divide up the duty, so to speak, whenever the group will be together for an extended period of time. This trip of Amanda and Duncan's is a fine example. Her Watcher will go along unobtrusively, getting help from local chapter houses if she needs it." He looked at Megan, then smiled. "I'm glad you decided to stay here, Megan. But I should warn you. I have lived alone for most of my adult life and I may not be a very gracious host."

"Joe, who said I needed a host? I'm happy to have you as a friend. Remember back at the Plaza when we fell asleep on the couch? That's why I came here today...I feel safe when I'm with you. Oh, I know I'm an Immortal and all that, but I'm new at it. I still think like I did before, so a friendly bear like you is a perfect sofamate. You know...the 'share the couch and a bowl of popcorn while you watch an old movie on TCM or AMC' kind of friend."

"I like that idea, Megan. Come on, let me give you the cook's tour of the place so you'll know where everything is." Now that's a stupid statement. There's only one bedroom, a bathroom, and the kitchen. Holy cow! Where's she gonna sleep? "Um, Megan...I thought I'd give you the bedroom and I'd take the couch."

"Joe Dawson, you will do no such thing. I am much more capable of sleeping on a couch than you can. I'm smaller and can fit for one thing, plus I can heal faster...if your sofa is anything like Mac's" She said laughingly. "There's this one spring in his that catches you right in the ribs, and it doesn't seem to matter which direction you sleep in, either."

"Well, okay. The couch here is okay, though. I've fallen asleep on it more than once during a movie and have slept just fine. We'll round you up some sheets, a blanket, and a pillow to make it more comfortable."

"Joe, I really appreciate you taking me in like this. Tell you what. Why don't you let me cook us up a nice dinner? What would you like? A roast? How about some Spaghetti Carbonara with breadsticks and a good wine for you?"

"Bless you, child. I hate to cook, although I am fairly good at it. The spaghetti sounds great. Make up a list of what you'll need and we'll head for the store."

As Megan cleared the table of the last of the dinner dishes, she heard Joe on the telephone.

"How's the crowd tonight? Kind of quiet, huh? Let me talk to Red. Red, think you could cover the band tonight? I'm not coming in. No, I'm fine. I just feel like taking a night off is all. You will? Thanks. See you tomorrow. Put Mike back on. Okay, Mike, the place is yours tonight. I'll be at home if there's an emergency." Joe hung up the telephone, then walked into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter and began to fill the sink with water and soap.

"What do you think you're doing?" Megan asked him.

"The least I can do is wash the dishes after such a wonderful meal."

"No, you can dry them, though." Joe looked at her with disbelief. "I actually like washing them. In fact, I kind of enjoy housework. My friends thought I was so weird." Megan began washing the dishes and Joe dried them and put them away. Megan began to hum as she washed, and Joe strained his ears trying to identify the tune. She caught sight of him leaning close. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to identify the song. It sounds like the theme to 'Summer Place' to me."

"Got it in one. Troy Donahue...Sandra Dee...love on the beach...teen pregnancy...the whole teen angst experience. I loved that movie. There, the dishes are all washed except for the glasses. Why don't you find us an old film on the TV? I'll be right back."

Joe was still standing when Megan returned to the living room. She refilled their glasses, then sat on the couch. "What did you find?"

"Well, in about ten minutes, AMC is showing 'A Night to Remember' about the Titanic. Turner Classics has 'Casablanca' starting at the same time."

"Tough choice...but Bogie wins, hands down. That gives me just enough time to pop popcorn!" Megan dashed into the kitchen and started opening the cabinets.

"The air-popper is in the cabinet above the refrigerator," Joe called out.

"Thank you!" Soon the sound of popping corn filled the air. Megan brought in a filled bowl just before the movie started. "I hope you like butter" she said. "I put lots on it."

"Perfect." Joe said as he sat beside the young woman. They settled into a companionable silence as they watched Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman rekindle lost love and then sacrifice it for the greater good. Joe handed Megan the tissues about midway through the movie, and she settled her head against his shoulder as they watched Claude Raines and Bogie walk off into the fog.

Joe didn't want to move. It just felt so wonderful to sit her with a woman and watch an old movie, sipping wine, and cuddle. The next movie started and they settled back to watch "An Affair to Remember" with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. Joe soon drifted off to sleep as the wine and the very long day caught up with him.

Megan was enjoying being snuggled up to Joe, especially as they watched the movies. He was such a loveable man, and was very comfortable to snuggle against. His deep rhythmic breathing told her that he had drifted off to sleep, and she wondered whether to wake him or just let him sleep. She didn't want this evening to end, but she knew if Joe slept like this for long, he would have a stiff neck and she didn't want him to be uncomfortable. She gently shook him. "Joe, wake up. You need to go to bed now."

Joe gave her a sheepish smile as he regained his feet. "Sorry, I'm such poor company tonight. I'll see you in the morning."

Megan watched as Joe went down the hallway. She ached to go with him, but knew it would be the wrong move. She made up her bed on the couch then changed into her sleepshirt. She settled in her nest and watched the rest of the movie. It just wasn't the same without Joe, however, so she turned it off and went to sleep.

Joe woke early in the morning and thought about the night before. He couldn't remember the last time he had spent such a wonderfully quiet night at home. Perhaps he had been a bachelor too long. He certainly understood now the allure of marriage a little better when evenings like that happened. It was the simple things. A good meal and warm companionship enjoying simple pleasures like an old movie or two. The only part missing had been sharing a bed, but then he had fallen asleep next to her on the couch, so perhaps even that part was there as well.

Joe dressed and quietly made his way to the kitchen. He glanced at Megan asleep on the couch. She was curled up amid the sheets and blanket, her face half-shrouded by her thick auburn hair, a small beatific smile on her lips. She is indeed a vision, even at this hour of the morning Joe thought as he turned to fix the coffee.

He sat at the small table in his kitchen sipping his coffee, he thought more about Megan. He acknowledged there was a vast difference in their ages...his own daughter was older than Megan was. But what did it really matter? Oh, he knew all the jokes about May-December relationships. He'd sworn he'd never understand one...until now. He had to admit he was in over his head when it came to this young woman. She had captured a piece of his heart, and he wasn't even sure how it had happened. All he knew was that she had become very important to him during the three weeks after Mac and Methos had freed her and Amanda from Velar's clutches. She'd looked like one of Heaven's angels when they had come to get him at that warehouse. His dreams were filled with the memories of that next morning, when he'd found her asleep on Duncan's couch with her shirt askew and her body revealed...and when she'd pulled off that shirt as she'd left the room. Oh, she'd apologized later for the action. It had embarrassed her a lot, but he couldn't help wonder what had motivated her to do something like that. He fantasized that Megan felt attracted to him as he was to her, but her knew that was impossible.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear her coming up behind him. His first inkling that she was there was when her hand caressed the back of his head and she said, "Morning, Joe. That coffee smells good. May I have some? No, don't get up. I can get it myself."

He watched as she reached for a cup. The hem of her nightshirt rose as she stretched to reach the cup, revealing the bottom of her buttocks in their sheer covering of white satin bikinis. God, she is beautiful. Joe thought, berating himself for not averting his eyes. And you, Joseph Dawson, are a dirty old man lusting after this young girl. But hey, dirty old men need love, too.

Megan sipped her hot coffee. She grimaced and added two spoons of sugar and a splash of milk after she retrieved it from the refrigerator. "Ah, that's better." She took another sip, then sat down next to Joe. "So, what's on the schedule today?"

"Well, I don't know. I need to go to the bar later to do the books from last night. There's no need for you to tag along while I do that. What would you like to do until then?"

Megan was silent for a moment, lost in thought. "You make think this is kinda childish, but I want to go to the zoo. See, we didn't have one where I grew up. We took a class trip when I was in the fourth grade to the zoo in our state capital, but that was the only time I have ever been to one."

"What a wonderful idea! I haven't been to the zoo in ages. Megan, you're never too old for zoos or aquariums." Seeing her look, he said, "You've never been to a big aquarium? Oh, we'll have to fix that right away! We'll finish our coffee then head on out...aquarium first, then the zoo."

Even with the planned trip, the two enjoyed their coffee in a slow and leisurely manner. Megan finished her second cup, then rose and went to the sink, rinsed it out, and placed it upside down on a paper towel to drain. She then walked into the living room and began to fold the blanket and sheets from her bed on the couch. Joe couldn't help but stare as she inadvertently exposed most of her young body whenever she bent over the couch. Joe silently argued with himself about looking but never did look away. His argument ended when she picked up her bag and headed for the bathroom. As the door closed, Joe sighed as he rose from the table. He looked at her cup on the paper towel then rinsed out his own and placed it next to hers, the handles touching.

Megan enjoyed the aquarium. The long cool tunnels amid the glass windows, the myriad sizes and shapes of the marine life, the vibrant colors of the tropical fish. She darted from window to window; her obvious delight made Joe smile. The only part she did not like was the shark tank. She found their implacable gaze repellent, and she stayed by Joe's side with her arm linked in his, while they were in that part of the exhibit.

Megan's enjoyment of the aquarium paled to her love of the zoo. She studied each animal carefully after reading all the signs about each one. Seeing a zookeeper, she struck up a conversation. Soon, Joe found himself being led beyond a door clearly marked 'Authorized Personnel Only' and down a bare corridor. Megan grinned at him, saying, "We're going to see the babies." Soon, they came to a nursery area filled with small animals. Most were in plastic isolettes similar to those used with newborn human babies. Megan was led over to one of them and handed a tiny baby tiger, so young its eyes weren't even open. "The fur is so soft! Why are they all here? I'd of thought they would be with their mothers."

"We only bring those here we must. If the mother cannot care for them due to illness or injury, we step in. In rare cases, we must take them for their own protection. Some animals just don't have much maternal instinct. Some will actually kill their young. That young tiger you are holding is only one of two surviving from a litter of four. Would you like to help feed them?"

The afternoon passed quickly for Megan and Joe, feeding the small helpless animals and assisting the zookeepers with their care. Megan seemed to have a gift for the work and the animals seem to know she meant them no harm. All to soon, though, it was time to go. As they started to take their leave, the head zookeeper asked if Megan would be interested in their new apprenticeship program. She could work under the tutelage of an experienced keeper during the day while completing a course of study at night. She'd earn a minimum salary, of course, but he could arrange to have the program funded through a scholarship. Megan promised to consider the offer and return the next morning with her answer. "If you're here at 8:00 tomorrow morning, I will assume the answer is yes," the zookeeper said.

Since it was already early evening by the time they made their way from the zoo, Joe suggested they go out for dinner after they cleaned up. Megan laughed, "Yeah, you can't spend all day with a bunch of zoo animals without smelling like the bottom of the Ark." Once they reached the apartment, Joe let Megan shower first and then took his own. He found it somewhat unsettling to follow her in something so intimate as bathing. He quickly steered his thoughts away from that venue; he had enough trouble with his fertile imagination.

As the waiter left to place their order, Megan asked Joe what he thought of the zoo's program. "It sounded like a dream come true! I've always loved animals and enjoyed taking care of them."

Joe agreed that the opportunity sounded wonderful, but it also had some hidden dangers caused by her status as an Immortal.

"What do you mean, Joe?" Megan asked.

"First and foremost, there is the Game. How will you hide a sword in those zookeeper outfits? You could find yourself at a distinct disadvantage if another Immortal chanced upon her at the zoo."

Megan agreed that it was a problem, but then, just how many Immortals would think to look for her in a zoo? She said she thought the zoo would be fairly safe; probably safer than traipsing around with Amanda.

"I'll grant you that one. The next point is your healing ability. You must be very careful to avoid injury. Can you imagine the shock to your co-workers if you were mauled by one of the animals, but then survived with no visible injuries?"

"I know what you mean. I'll just have to be very careful they never see me get hurt. Joe, it's a chance I'd take no matter what I did with my life. I just can't spend my life doing nothing like Amanda. Immortality didn't kill my dreams."

Joe took Megan's hand and said, "Then let's try to fill those dreams. We will find a way to get around the problems. If you want to do this, I will support it all the way."

"Oh, Joe, I'm so excited about this. If we weren't in this restaurant, I'd give you a big hug."

"Well, I don't want to put a damper on this, but have you thought about how Amanda's going to react? She's not going to sit around here while you become a zookeeper."

"True enough. She'll just have to get over it. I owe her a lot, but she doesn't control my life. It will mean that I need to find some place to stay. She's not likely to support me once she finds out about this."

"And what is the matter with my place? Is there some reason why you have to move? Megan, the head honcho back at the zoo said minimal salary. You can stay with me for as long as you like. I've really grown to like sharing the place with you."

"Are you sure I wouldn't be in the way? I seem to be keeping you from your bar and your singing."

"That's true enough. Since you came into my life, I haven't really felt like singing the blues."

"Why Joe Dawson, you are too smooth! You say the nicest things...I think." Megan said laughing. "Okay, I accept your kind offer. You've got a roommate." She extended her hand and Joe took it, intending only to shake it but forgetting to let go until the waiter brought their dinner.

As they ate, they chatted about their experienced that day. Joe admitted he'd never realized the challenges facing a modern zoo in caring for exotic animals from around the world. From the special diets to recognizing the signs of disease in animals ranging in size from the pygmy shrew to a bull elephant. Over dessert, Megan brought the conversation around to the aquarium. "It is such a soothing place. It would be the perfect place to go think whenever you've got a problem."

Joe dropped Megan off at the apartment, and then he rushed over to the bar. He looked at the mountain of paperwork and told Mike, the night bartender/manager that he'd take care of it the next morning. "I'm tired and I'm going to make it an early night. Do you know what I spent today doing? I fed baby lion and tiger cubs!"

"Yeah, right, whatever you say," was Mike's only response, convinced Joe was joking but just not getting the point of the joke.

As Joe entered the apartment, he started apologizing for taking so long but stopped when he realized Megan was thoroughly engrossed in a movie. She patted the sofa next to her so he sat down and leaned back. As soon as he was situated, Megan slid over close and curled into the cradle of his arm, sighing contentedly. Curiously, Joe also felt like sighing at that moment for he felt complete now that her head was resting against his chest and his arm was around her shoulders. This feels so right. I had so much fun today with her. I'd have never had the nerve to talk the zoo people into letting me help them with the babies. What on Earth would I do if she suddenly left?

He turned his attention to the movie. It was a modern movie, for a change, one he was not very familiar with. "What's this?"

"Its called 'Sleepless in Seattle' with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It's almost over. Hey, want some popcorn?"

While she made the popcorn, Joe looked through the TV Guide and found a great old movie. Perfect! 'Bringing Up Baby' with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. Megan was delighted by the choice. They watched and laughed until they had tears in their eyes, especially during the scenes where Hepburn and Grant were in the town jail. As the movie ended and Joe got up to go to bed, Megan kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Joe. Sweet dreams."

Joe lay in his bed and stared at the ceiling. Let's face it, Joseph. You are hooked by this young woman. She is all you can think about. You have replayed that morning's memory so many times you're not sure it was real any more. Most of all, you are absolutely tickled she will be staying here while she's working at the zoo. Hmmm, she's going to need different clothes for this job. His head filled with thoughts about Megan, Joe finally drifted off to sleep.

Megan also lay awake on the couch, her thoughts a jumble of mixed issues. Her excitement over the start of the apprenticeship program was tempered by her feelings of frustration about Joe. She knew now that she was hopelessly in love with him. When he'd offered to let her live with him sent her heart racing. She knew it was only a matter of time but her youth made her impatient. She loved him and she suspected he loved her, too. The trick was going to be getting him to admit it out loud.

Megan was already up and dressed when Joe stumbled out of his room. She handed him a cup of coffee and kissed his cheek as he sat down at the table. "A man could get used to service like this in the morning."

"Don't count on it. I'm a firm believer in Equal Rights. On alternate mornings, you get up first and make the coffee. I'll expect it just right and with a kiss, too." Megan laughed as she sat down. "Oh, Joe, isn't it exciting? I barely slept last night thinking about this morning."

"I know you will love the new job, Megan, and I expect you'll do well at it. You said you'd always been good at school, so the night studies should be no problem. I'll give you any help you need."

"Well, the biggest thing I need this morning is a ride to the zoo before 8. How about picking me up around 5? What will you spend the day doing now that I will be out of your hair?"

"I thought I'd go see if I still had a viable business. I've kind of let the place run itself the last few days."

"Sounds like a plan."

Joe had just finished the bar's cash records when the telephone rang. "Joe's Blues Bar."

"Dawson, where have you been? We called your house all afternoon yesterday and there was no answer. I was beginning to think something had happened." Duncan said, sounding relieved by hearing Joe's voice.

"No, nothing's happened. We spent yesterday at the zoo, then we went out to dinner. Megan was at the apartment after 7:30 and I was back by 10. Why didn't you call later?"

"Oh, we went out and didn't get back until late. The zoo, huh? You seem to be having a good time. Have you seen any sign of Methos?"

"No, not since the other night. I think he's a bit put out with me for getting in the way of his plans for Megan. I expect he'll turn up at the bar one of these evenings."

"Speaking of Megan, Amanda wants to talk to her. Is she there by chance?"

"Actually, Duncan, she's at work. She joined the apprenticeship program at the zoo and she works until about 5. Why don't you guys call the apartment about 6:30 tonight. I'll make sure we're home and you can talk to her then."

"Megan has a job at the zoo. Amanda's going to have kittens." Duncan laughed as he imagined Amanda's reaction to the loss of her protege. "Talk to you tonight, Joe."

Joe pulled into the zoo parking lot and saw Megan waiting by the employee's entrance. She had a large box of books and some other packages, so he tripped the electric release on the side door of the van. She loaded her packages inside, then hopped into the passenger seat. "Hi! You won't believe what a great day I had!"

Joe smiled as she began telling him all about her first day on the job. From the moment she'd walked into the zoo office and filled out the forms, she'd been constantly on the go. First she was issued her books and then her clothing. The only thing she needed to buy were her boots, and would he mind if they stopped by the mall to pick them up?

"Okay, that's no problem but we must be back to the apartment by 6:30 because Amanda and Duncan were suppose to call then."

"Did you tell them about the job?"

"Only that you started in the apprenticeship program without any of the details. I figured you could tell Amanda all about it yourself when she called tonight."

"Guess I'll have to face the music sooner than I'd expected. I hope she doesn't get too upset."

"Why should she get upset? Amanda will probably be thrilled for you. Plus she will once again have the freedom to go wherever and whenever she wants." Joe responded. I just hope you won't go stay with her once she comes back. I want to with me!

The pair reached the apartment and few minutes after 6. The mall had been crowded but it had only taken a few minutes for Megan to find and purchase the needed work boots. She headed off for the shower as soon as they got inside, complaining she probably smelled like the zoo. While she showered, Joe began to put together some type of dinner menu. Options look pretty slim. I guess I will have to run by the store tomorrow before I head down to the bar. Hope Megan likes Chinese take-out he thought as he called his favorite delivery place.

Megan came out toweling her hair dry a few minutes later. Joe explained about dinner, and Megan assured him she really loved Chinese food...as long as it wasn't Szechwan; she couldn't handle the hot sauce. Promptly at 6:30, the telephone rang and Megan picked it up. "Joe's Pool Hall, Eight Ball speaking."

Joe could hear Amanda's laughter from across the room. There was something infectious about Megan's irreverent sense of humor that made you smile in spite of yourself. "Hi, Amanda. What do think about your friend, the zookeeper?"

Joe half-listened as Megan told Amanda all about the apprenticeship program and her scholarship. She also told Amanda of her intention to stay with Joe, even after Amanda and Duncan came back. "Look, you two had to leave town to find some privacy. This way you'll still have it. Plus, you won't want to stay here while I'm in training. They certainly don't pay enough for me to find my own place. Joe was gracious enough to ask me to stay here. Amanda, I have to live my life some time. I have friends here that I can count on whenever you are out of town. Think of it as giving you one more reason to stop by once in a while."

A knock at the door signaled the arrival of dinner and, as Joe paid for the food, Megan brought the conversation to a close with Amanda. "We can talk about all this when you get back. What was that? Okay, see you in about a week then. Take care and give my love to Duncan."

She hung up the phone and flopped down on the sofa, her face closed and guarded. Joe suspected Amanda had been unkind towards the end of the conversation, and he decided to give Megan a chance to get her feelings back under control. One thing he'd learned over the years, the female of the species was best left undisturbed at times like this. He went into the kitchen, poured them each a cup of the green tea he'd ordered with the meal, grabbed some napkins, then sat down on the couch, placing her tea and some chopsticks in front of Megan. He opened up one of the containers of fried rice and took a bite. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Megan pick up her tea, take a sip, and then start poking through the cartons.

"So, how much studying do you have tonight?" Joe asked, trying to start a neutral conversation. Megan launched into a soliloquy about the books, which apparently covered everything from A to Z - Animal Husbandry to Zoology. She had some reading to do in one of the first books according to the course outline. She'd planned to get started after Joe left for the bar.

"Yes, you are going to work tonight. It will give you a break from entertaining me and give me a chance to study. Anyway, when I finish up my reading, I'll just flip on the TV and watch an old movie."

Joe assured her he didn't feel like he was entertaining her, but he knew she was right. He did need to spend some time at the bar and she needed the time for studying. So after they finished eating, Joe left for the bar. Megan took a few minutes to clean up the dinner debris, drinking the last of the tea and crunching her fortune cookie. You'll be blessed with a long life. They got that right! Then she sat down on the couch. The couch didn't feel right, though, without Joe to share it, so she moved over to the big easy chair. She turned on the floor lamp, picked up her textbook and started to read.

Methos was sitting at the corner of the bar when Joe walked in. "How's Megan?" were his first words to Joe.

"She's fine. She started working today at the zoo. She's so excited by the program. She's at the house studying now."

"How'd Amanda take that idea?"

"Not well. I think she was pretty mean to Megan on the phone tonight. Megan was pretty upset after they'd talked, but she didn't give me any particulars." Joe made it sound like Megan was just a friend when he spoke. He did not want Methos to pick up on Joe's increased interest in the young woman.

"Well, if she's busy studying, I guess I won't pop round to see her. Tell her I said hello, would you?"

"Sure thing. Another beer?" Joe asked as he settled into his old routine at the bar. Joe even played a few sets with the band, although his blues just weren't from the bottom of his soul. He felt way too happy inside. His thoughts were constantly across town with Megan.

It was a little before midnight when Joe opened the apartment door. He could see that Megan was asleep in the big easy chair, her textbook open in her lap. He stood for a moment, gazing down at the sleeping woman. He went over to the couch and made it up into her bed, then he walked back over to the chair. I really wish I had legs right this minute so I could pick her up and carry her over to that couch without having to wake her. "Megan, wake up, honey. It's time for bed. Move on over to the couch."

"Joe, is that you?" Megan mumbled as she slowly rose from the chair. He helped her to the couch and then watched as she stripped off her jeans and then lay down, her lithe legs sliding under the sheets. Joe sat for a moment on the edge of the sofa, staring at her as she started to drift back into sleep. He brushed a lock of her hair back from her face and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. As he did, Megan said, "I love you, Joe."

"I love you, too, Megan." He sat there for a little while watching her sleep, then he went back to his own bed. Could she have really meant that?

Joe was awake before the alarm went off, so he was first into the kitchen. He started the coffee after checking on Megan, who seemed completely oblivious to the outside world. With the coffee brewing, Joe went and showered, then came back to pour that all-important first cup of coffee. He sipped the scalding brew as he watched Megan sleep, wondering about what she had mumbled in her sleep the previous night. He knew he should wake her soon, but he was enjoying this moment too much. Megan stirred, kicking off the blanket and once again Joe was looking at her barely clad figure. The shirt she'd been wearing when she'd fallen asleep was not very long and it did not cover her skimpy bikinis. As a result, most of Megan's body was exposed to his gaze. He gazed longingly at her for a moment, then shook her shoulder. "Megan, time to get up. Go take your shower and I'll pour you a cup of coffee."

Megan's eyes opened. "Good morning, Joe. Be back in a jiffy." She dashed into the bathroom and Joe could hear the sound of her singing over the sound of the shower.

Ah, youth. I can remember when I would wake up with that kind of energy. He poured her cup of coffee, splashed in a bit of milk, and added two sugars as he remembered her doing that first morning. Towel wrapped around her head, Megan soon appeared clad in a pair of wide-legged khaki shorts and a matching khaki safari shirt. Thick tan knee socks and her new work boots completed the ensemble. "Good morning, Jane of the Jungle. I was right; there is absolutely no place in that outfit to hide a sword."

Megan laughed as she accepted her cup of coffee. "Now, remember the deal. Where's my kiss?" As Joe leaned down to kiss her cheek, Megan turned her head so his lips met her own instead. Joe felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him from the contact with her lips. He'd meant to just give her a peck on the cheek, but when he found himself kissing her lips he lost any sense of time. The kiss lingered and Joe became very conscious of her hand against the back of his neck, holding his lips to hers. He knew she had wanted this as much as he had.

At last the kiss ended and they stepped back from one another to catch their breath. Megan looked at Joe with expectant eyes and said, "I meant what I said last night, Joe. I love you. I don't have any demands to make on you; I just want to share my life with you if you'll let me."

Joe was silent for a moment, then he pulled Megan into his arms. "Megan, I love you, too." He murmured against her hair. "I don't know whether we have any chance at all, but I can't imagine my life without you in it." He leaned back to look at her face. "We obviously need to talk, but it will have to wait until tonight. Right now, you need to finish getting ready for work."

"Okay, slave driver. But first, can I have one more kiss?" Joe was more than willing to kiss her again, and this kiss was also less tentative...more assured in its exploration. It also gave a promise of things to come. Time enough to worry about that later Joe thought, as he let Megan go to finish getting ready for work.

Joe's mind was not on the books and he knew it. He'd tried to add the same column of numbers three times and hadn't gotten the same answer yet, even using a calculator. What am I doing? There's no way I should be trying to mess with these books in my frame of mind. All I can think about is Megan...of kissing her...of loving her. And that, he knew, was what had him so uptight. Facing that moment when Megan saw him without his prosthetic legs, when she had to face the reality of his disability. He felt so ugly and misshapened and the VA counselors had tried to make him see that was mainly in his mind. All he knew is that he'd been with few women in the last 30 years that had been able to see beyond the stumps to the man. They had all said they could handle it, and then had either lost their courage at the last minute or had run away from him. The one woman who had really been able to deal with it had been Lauren Gale, and she'd been killed by that art collecting Immortal, Armand Thorne. He'd been virtually celibate ever since.

Joe decided he would take it very slow with Megan tonight, despite the fire that blazed up inside him with the tough of her lips. He had to make sure she knew what she was getting into with him. He also wondered what Duncan Macleod, Amanda, and Methos would make of this when they found out. Methos, he knew, would be very angry. Duncan, he suspected, might even be happy for him after the initial surprise wore off. Amanda would either be very happy for him or she'd try to kill him. Either way, Joe figured he'd better tell Duncan first and have Duncan between him and Amanda when she found out,

Megan hopped into the passenger seat, leaned over, and kissed Joe passionately on the lips. "I've been thinking about that all day!" she said as she fastened her seatbelt. "I came close to walking into a lion's cage because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going! Well, good thing it is Friday, because I don't have to work tomorrow and that means I have no homework tonight. I'm all yours."

"I like the sound of that!" Joe said, with a trace of a leer in his voice. "How about dinner out, a movie, then some time at the bar? Methos was asking about you yesterday."

"Sounds okay, but I'm not sure about facing Methos just yet. There's something about the way he looks at me that gives me chills. Are you sure he's one of the good guys."

"Oh, he is now. He didn't used to be. There was a time when our friend Methos was one of the worst people on the planet, stalking and killing people just for fun."

"My God, when was this?"

"Back around the Bronze Age. As he says, he finally grew up and stopped. For the last several thousand years, he's actually been trying to atone for those days. At least that's my opinion of what he's been doing. You're never really sure with Methos if what he's telling you is the unvarnished truth or just a convenient explanation. Rest easy. To my knowledge, he's not forced himself on any woman in the last 3,000 years or so."

Dinner had been wonderful, and they had sat through "Armageddon" holding hands like a couple of teenagers. As they pulled up to Joe's reserved spot at the bar, Megan turned to him. "Joe, you're not going to get all stuffy on me, are you? Because if you are, I don't want to go inside."

"What do you mean?" Joe asked, even though he knew exactly what she meant.

"We've been fairly open about how we feel about each other tonight, but it was awfully dark in that movie. Here you will be among your friends and employees. So if you are going to suddenly get shy about holding my hand or anything, then I don't want to go in there because I don't want to spoil this evening."

"Megan, I love you. I don't mind sharing that with the world. I do expect some of my friends and regulars inside will wish us well and some will give us a hard time, me especially. But that is okay with me, too. It's part of the male bonding rituals you may have heard about. Come on, let's go inside."

"Okay, but how about a kiss for luck."

Joe's head was till swimming from the kiss when they walked into the bar. There was a momentary lull in the ambient noise as everyone turned and saw him standing there with Megan on his arm and her lipstick on his cheek. "Well, no wonder he hasn't been tending the bar!" said a voice from within the room, and laughter and cheers followed it. Joe led Megan into the crowded bar and placed her on a stool at the end of the bar where she was both out of the way and could see everything that was going on in the place. She had a radiant smile as she perched on the high barstool and sipped her drink. The smile slipped a little as Methos sat down next to her.

"Well met, little sister. I hear congratulations are in order." He sounded somewhat snide in his tone, but Megan decided to ignore that and accept his words at face value.

"Thank you, Methos. That means a lot coming from you. I hope I can make him as happy as he makes me. Did you hear my other news. I found a job at the zoo as an apprentice zookeeper." Methos soon regretted his decision to sit down as Megan launched into a detailed analysis of the dietary requirements for a pygmy shrew, which is one of the world's smallest mammals. Joe glanced over and saw them together. The pained expression on Methos' face made Joe laugh out loud, suddenly in a very good mood. He walked over, placed a fresh beer in front of Methos, and kissed Megan lightly as he passed by on his way to the stage. "How about some blues?"

The band had played a few sets when Joe tried something he'd been thinking about. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure we can do this, but let's try to get Megan Carson to join us on stage. I've heard her sing and I think you are in for a treat."

Megan was shooting him a drop-dead-how-dare-you glare as she was lead out to the stage. "Joe! What are you doing? I can't sing blues!" she muttered to him sotto-voce.

"So we'll do something else. You know some folk songs, don't you? Pick one and let's get this show on the road. This is part of who I am and I want to share this with you."

So Megan dug all the ballads and folksongs she'd ever learned from the recesses of her memory and began to sing them with the band. Before she knew it, she was actually having a good time. The crowd would clap like crazy whenever she would finish a song, and then they would quiet right down whenever she began another one. It was a heady experience for her, and she loved every minute of it.

It was almost three in the morning when Megan and Joe reached his apartment. As soon as they were inside the door, she turned to him and put her arms around his neck. "Hey, slow down before you knock me down!" Joe said. "Why don't we go sit down on the couch."

As they were seated, Joe turned to Megan and said, "Megan, I want you to know up front that I love you. There is no doubt about that in my mind or my heart. So, please understand what I am about to say is not meant to hurt you."

The stricken look on Megan's face nearly broke Joe's heart so he hurried on. "One of the things I have a problem with is dealing with physical intimacy. It's been a very long time since I have been with anyone. Part of that is due to my disability, and part of it is due to the inability of my partner to deal with that disability. So, I would really like to take this very slowly, one step at a time, to make sure its right."

Megan looked at him with compassion in her eyes far beyond her youth, her native intuitive empathy filling in all the blanks in what Joe didn't say. Things like his fear of rejection...the hurt he'd had over the years...fear that she would shy away from him. She reached up and stroked Joe's face as she whispered, "Joe, it will be okay. We can take this as slow as you want. There's no rush. I don't want you to feel any pressure at all."

With that, she snuggled into his arms. I'm so lucky to have found this young woman Joe thought as she pressed up against him. She is understanding, loving, compassionate, and beautiful...everything any man could ever want. Add that she's Immortal and will always look like this. Yes, the Gods of Fortune have surely smiled on me.

Megan tilted her head back to look up at Joe in response to his unconscious hug of her shoulders, and Joe lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was slow and tender, with varying degrees of pressure between their lips. Joe's arm slid down along Megan's back as the kiss deepened. Megan turned so that she was lying across Joe's lap without breaking the kiss, her arms around Joe's neck. When the kiss broke, she nuzzled against Joe's neck, planting tiny kisses along the edge of his beard. Joe dipped his head to force her to bring her head back, and their lips met again. Megan's tongue pressed up against Joe's lips, forcing him to open his mouth. The touch of her tongue against his sent sparks along his nerve endings. Almost without thought, his hand moved down along Megan's arm to her side and then up to her breast. She groaned as his hand caressed her, her nipples surging erect. She kissed him even harder, her tongue clashing with his.

Joe could feel her erect nipple through the thin material of her blouse. No bra...why am I not surprised? Joe thought, as his hand caressed her firm body. Megan reached down and pulled her blouse free of the waistband of her skirt, then she guided his hand inside her blouse. As his hand made contact with her bare breast, she groaned aloud. His fingers closed around the sensitive nipple, gently pulling at it while lightly rubbing it with the pads of his fingertips. Megan suddenly went rigid against him, and a shudder passed through her body. I'll be darned. She just came! Joe was amazed at her passionate response to his touch. As Megan regained her composure, she kissed Joe deeply. He started to remove his hand, but she held it there, pressing it against her flesh for another moment before she let him free.

"My God, that was incredible!" Megan whispered, her voice husky with passion. "You have a magic touch, my dear. It was even better than I had dreamed."

"You mean you've been dreaming about me?" Joe asked, amazed.

"Hell, yes. Why do you think I flashed you that one morning? I'd been thinking many naughty thoughts about you that night."

"You wouldn't believe the fantasies that morning has inspired. I've thought about you every night as I have drifted off to sleep and I have had some very powerful dreams about you as a result."

"You, too? I know you like to come look at me when I'm asleep, Joe, and that has been a very powerful turn on for me. Sometimes it's been hard not to give you even more of a show than you've been getting."

"What do you mean?"

"My dreams have made me just as horny as yours make you, Joe. Sometimes, you just got to take the edge off if you're going to get any sleep. So, it was really tempting to let you catch me once or twice. I didn't know how you would react, though, so I stopped when I heard you coming down the hall."

The image of what she described flashed through Joe's mind and he groaned. "I'm not sure how I would have reacted to that, Megan. It would have both embarrassed and fascinated me. I would have wanted to look away, but would really have wanted a closer look. That's one of those so-called forbidden things that so fascinate and excite men."

"Well, I know this conversation is getting me going again, so why don't you kiss me." Megan followed up on her words by pulling Joe's lips to hers. As he kissed her, Joe once again slid his hand inside her blouse to caress her nipples. Her blouse bunched up, so Megan broke away from Joe for a moment, sitting up and pulling her blouse of over her head. Then she put her arms around his neck and resumed the deep passionate kiss that she's interrupted. Joe now had free access to her naked upper torso and his hands wandered with a will of their own. Megan was becoming increasingly aroused by his touch and she finally guided his head down to her breasts. Joe closed his lips around one erect nipple and Megan gasped as is she had received a shock. She held his head against her breast as he sucked on her nipple, his hand caressing the other breast. Megan pulled Joe's head back up, looked him in the eye, and said, "I love you, Joe." She kissed him again as he held her close, his hands caressing the satin expanse of her back. His hand slid down along her flank and over her hip.

Megan's skirt had risen up during their embrace, so Joe's hand soon met bare skin. Megan didn't wear hose, so only her satin bikinis covered her. Joe's hand slipped between her thighs and caressed the satin covered mound. Her legs opened wider to give him better access to her most intimate places. Soon he moved his hand inside her panties and found her most sensitive spots. Megan writhed against his hand as he rubbed his finger against her clit and then down into her opening itself, over and over again.

Megan grew rigid as another orgasm approached and then she trapped Joe's hand between her thighs as it broke over her. He held her as wave after wave of intense feeling washed through her. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Wow" she said in a tiny voice. He kissed her and suggested that they should call it a night.

"In a minute, Joe. I want to enjoy the feel of your hands a few more minutes. No, don't move, just hold them still right where they are." So Joe held her in his arms, one hand around her shoulders, the other buried between her thighs. After a few minutes more, Megan hugged him tightly and then opened her legs to release his hand. "God, you make me feel fantastic."

As she moved off his lap, Megan turned to him and said, "Now I don't know what you had in mind about taking it slow, but I'm guessing you went a lot faster than you expected." At Joe's nod, she continued. "Do you want me to sleep on the couch tonight?"

For a moment, Joe was in an agony of indecision. What they had just shared was so real and powerful, he knew it was too late to go back. He was also afraid of how she might react when he was undressed and removed his artificial legs. It was the moment of truth, and he decided to trust to love. "Hell, no. I want you to sleep next to me."

Megan took her hands and placed them on Joe's face, holding his head so she could look straight into his eyes. "I know what it cost you to say that. It will be fine. Let's go to bed. If it will be easier, just leave the lights off." Megan arose and helped Joe to his feet. She tucked her arm around his waist as helped him down the hall then she went back to the living room and retrieved her discarded clothing along with her pillow. By the time she reached the bedroom, Joe was already undressed and in bed, looking very uncomfortable, but the lamp on her end table was still lit.

"Joe, are you sure? I can go back to the couch. It's no problem. Really."

He shook his head and she walked next to the bed, Once she was sure Joe was looking, she very slowly removed her skirt and her bikinis. She then walked nude over to the chair in the bedroom and placed her skirt and blouse on the chair, making sure Joe had a good look at her. Then she turned out the bedside light, plunging the room into darkness. Once it was dark, she pulled back the covers on her side of the bed and slid between the sheets. She moved over to Joe's rigid body and ran a finger across his chest, toying with his nipples. "How about a kiss goodnight?"

Joe rolled toward her and put his arms around her, his lips meeting hers. He could feel her naked breasts press against his chest as the kiss went on, her hands moving along his back. He let his hands explore the graceful curves of Megan's back, eventually drifting down to her firm buttocks. Her skin is like silk! She pressed even tighter against him, and Joe knew she could feel his erection. She reached down and gently stroked him, and he groaned with the incredible rush he felt at her touch. Megan pushed Joe onto his back then she straddled his hips, guiding him inside her. Megan began to move ever so slowly up and down along his shaft, stopping just before he would come out and then taking him inside to the root. As she felt him begin to grow tense, she began to move faster. Joe's hands caressed her breasts at first, but soon he just moved them to her hips and held her tightly. Suddenly he arched his back, thrusting deeply inside her. Megan could feel the spasms of his orgasm rock him and she held him as he slowly came back down. She slid off Joe's hips and curled up against his chest.

"I love you, Megan. Thank you for that. It was wonderful."

"Nite, Joe. I love you, too. Sweet dreams."

The couple settled into an almost idyllic phase. Waking to make love in the early hours of the morning, then they would dress to face the day. Megan would go off to the zoo while Joe would take care of domestic errands, such as the grocery shopping and laundry before he went to the bar. Picking Megan up at 5, Joe would take Megan home. She'd get cleaned up and he would start preparations for dinner. She'd finish the cooking while Joe would get ready for the evening at the bar. After dinner, he would go over to the bar for a while and Megan would study. Joe would come home around ten or eleven and they would start watching a movie, but never finish it. They soon be kissing and the movie would be forgotten. They would settle in their bed and make love until sleep claimed them.

This idyllic existence changed when they came home to the apartment one evening to find Amanda and Duncan waiting on the doorstep. Megan rushed into Amanda's arms and the two women went into the back of the apartment talking. Duncan and Joe sat in the living room and talked about the past two weeks. Duncan filled in his Watcher on the events of note for inclusion in his chronicles. Joe told Duncan that he had some news.

"Duncan, I'm in love with Megan and she's in love with me. We really seem to have something special. I hope you will support us in this, Duncan, or at least not stand in the way."

"Joe, I wouldn't dream of standing in the way. I think Amanda knew about this before you did. I suspected she was up to something when she suggested this trip away. Once we were on the road, she told me that Megan was in love with you. Amanda thought that putting you together would either let that love blossom or kill it. Guess she was right about that."

The two women came out of the back. It was evident that Megan had told Amanda because Amanda came over and gave Joe a quick kiss and a hug. "You'd better take good care of her, Joe."

"Well, I think this calls for a celebration. Why don't you two get cleaned up and then join us over at the Crown Plaza. We'll go out to dinner at someplace really fancy, eat a lot of really good food, drink some fine wines...even you, Megan...and perhaps even close the evening at a quaint little blues bar we all know and love.

Duncan came into the hotel suite and Amanda knew right away that something was wrong. His face has lost all its color as he raced over to the television set. Flipping to a local news program, he stepped back.

"Repeating the hour's top story, an apprentice zookeeper was killed today when she was mauled by a lioness. The unfortunate apprentice bled to death while horrified co-workers tried to subdue the lioness. She was pronounced dead at the scene."

Amanda rushed over to Duncan's side. "Is it Megan?"

"You know it is. Look, I have to get over to the morgue and help her escape. I want you to go to Joe. He's going to go crazy when he hears about this."

He quickly kissed Amanda and left the hotel. Amanda grabbed her umbrella and followed him out the door.

Joe was sitting in the corner of his club when Amanda strode inside. Something about the way she walked up to his table told Joe that she was carrying really bad news. "What is it? Is it Megan?"

"Yeah, Joe, its about Megan. A lioness attacked her. The other keepers had a hard time getting to her, and she bled to death before anyone could save her. They pronounced her at the scene." She waited while the implications of her words reached Joe. He knew Megan was really still alive, at least by now. But it did mean that the persona of Megan Carson was now dead to the world. The zoo would notify her parents as next of kin, and Megan could no longer exist.

"What did this have to happen now. We'd just found each other and everything was going so well for us. Amanda, do you know how rare a woman Megan is? She never saw my stumps; she only saw my heart. How on Earth will I manage without her?"

"I don't know, Joe, but you will have to find some way, at least for now. This is all over the news and everyone you know is going to show up here to see you and offer their condolences. You must let them see you grieving. Keep telling yourself that Megan is dead, and that you'll never share your home with her again. It will put you in the proper frame of mind for dealing with outsiders."

"What happens now?"

"Duncan is at the hospital. He will help Megan get away before someone finds out she's risen from the dead. When I leave here, I will go see some friends of mine who will fabricate a completely new identity for Megan. As soon as that's complete, she and I will leave the area...perhaps even the country. I'm not quite sure yet where we will go."

"Amanda, will I have a chance to at least say good-bye to her? I love her and she loves me. You can't just take her away like this!"

"Joe, I have no choice and you know it. Megan had a very public death, complete with film at eleven. There is no way she can stay here in Seacover. Obviously, she can't just change her name, her hair color and style, and move back in with you. Your relationship was too public. Now get a grip and be ready for the onslaught of the morbidly curious. After all, how many chances will they ever have to commiserate with someone whose lover was just eaten by a lion."

Duncan slipped into the morgue in the basement of the hospital. Fortunately, there was no one around at the moment, but he knew that could change at any minute. This was always the trickiest part of being an Immortal, making that quick dash away from the ending of one life so you could begin another. Luck was really with him. Megan was not yet inside one of the stainless steel coolers. Her bodybag was still on the gurney waiting processing. A feeble movement of the bag told Duncan that he had very little time. Megan was starting to rouse and he had to get her out of that bag before she awoke. No one should ever wake inside one of those bags; it had happened to him once and he vowed to keep it from happening to those he cared about. He moved over to the gurney, grabbed the heavy zipper, and opened the bag.

Megan was a mess. She was covered in blood from the savaging given her by the lioness. Most of the major wounds had healed, but the worst still had a bit to go. She was very weak...primarily because she had bled to death. It takes time for Immortals to replace their entire blood volume. Duncan picked her up out of the bag and carried her to the door. Her head lolled against his shoulder and she made a small moaning sound in the back of her throat. No one was in the corridor, so Duncan quickly carried her to a storeroom he had used in the past. Sill unlocked and still stocked with hospital scrubs, those all-purpose pants and tops worn by doctors and nurses. He pulled a set on Megan's naked body, using towels he found to wipe off most of the blood. He pulled a surgical cap over Megan's blood matted hair, and put a set of the hospital surgical slippers on her feet. Next he placed her in a wheelchair he'd already appropriated, covered her with a hospital blanket, and wheeled her down the corridor. When the empty elevator arrived, he knew they had managed the most difficult part of the escape. When the elevator doors opened, Duncan wheeled Megan out the hospital doors and over to his Thunderbird. He placed her in the car, then returned the wheelchair to the lobby. He jumped into his car and drove away.

Duncan drove to a quiet secluded motel on the outskirts of town. Once he had checked in, he went to a pay telephone and called Amanda at the hotel. He gave her the name of the motel and the room number then hung up. He walked over to the corner market and picked up some milk, fruits and other food items. It was essential to get some food into Megan so her body could complete its healing.

When Amanda arrived, Megan was propped up on the bed weakly sipping the milk through a straw, still wearing her escape outfit. "Duncan MacLeod, couldn't you have at least cleaned her up some? Don't you know a woman would rather die than be that much of a mess?"

"Amanda, she's still too weak to stand. And frankly, I didn't think you'd like it if you caught me giving her a bath."

"You got a point. Okay, here's the deal. I need your help in getting her into the bathroom. Then you will come out here, strip the bed, and clean up the bed linens. We don't need Motel 6 here getting curious about all the blood. By the time you finish, I will be done and need your help in getting her back into bed. You got all that?"

"Amanda, I have been through this a time or two. Let's get started." Duncan and Amanda carried Megan into the bathroom where the hospital garb was removed and bundled up for Duncan to dispose of. Megan was lowered into the tub and the majority of the blood was sprayed off using the shower. Amanda began to bathe her semiconscious friend as Duncan stripped the bed and headed out he door.

It took Duncan over an hour to get all the blood stains out of the sheets and covers. As he walked into the room, Amanda asked, "Where the devil have you been? You should have been back a long time ago?"

"Amanda, I had to wash them three times to get all the blood out."

"Duncan, why didn't you just go to the store and but another pair of cheap sheets? It would have taken 15 minutes, tops. Men! It's a good thing you're so handy, or we'd have phased you out a long time ago."

Duncan quickly made the bed, then helped Amanda move Megan to the bed. He couldn't believe the transformation Amanda had wrought in the time he was gone. The Megan he knew was gone. Megan was not only clean and dressed in a clean nightgown, her auburn hair was now platinum blonde and it was styled like Kim Bassinger was in L.A. Confidential or Veronica Lake back in the old days of Hollywood. She also had a little more color, but Duncan wasn't sure whether it was natural or more of Amanda's artful work.

"Good, the headboard makes a nice neutral background." Amanda opened up another case and removed a very expensive looking camera, tripod, and flash unit. She carefully assembled the unit, then positioned it just so. After checking the image, she adjusted Megan so she was sitting more erect, ten moved quickly back behind the camera. She rapidly took six pictures, then repositioned Megan's head and adjusted the flash. She then took another six pictures.

"What are you doing? Pictures for her new passport, driver's license. Credit cards. Since I can't get her to the studios, I need to take the pictures instead."

"Well, won't it look strange if she's wearing the same top in all the pictures?"

"Damn, your right." Amanda walked over to the bed and pulled Megan's nightgown off her. Amanda then removed her own shirt and put in on Megan. Still topless, she set everything up and took some more pictures. "Hmm, Duncan, give me your shirt." Another quick change and some more pictures. "There, that finishes the roll. Okay, Duncan, you stay here with Megan and keep her quiet. I'll be back in a bit." She dressed quickly, bent and kissed Duncan on his head, then she was out the door.

Duncan glanced at Megan and saw she was asleep. He knew this was a good sign; her body was still healing, still building blood volume to replace that which she had lost. The wounds in her flesh had already healed and were fading away completely. He looked at her mostly naked form. Darn it, Amanda. At least you could have put her nightgown back on. Duncan couldn't help noticing what a delightful body Megan had as he slipped the gown over her head and under her hips. Hope Amanda remembers underwear and clothes or this will get real interesting around here.

Duncan flipped on the television in time for the evening news. As he expected, Megan's gruesome death and the subsequent disappearance of her corpse from the hospital were the top new items. One of the local councilmen was demanding an investigation. "This isn't the first time bodies have vanished from that place. I suspect the bodies are being sold off and harvested for organs. Its time we got to the bottom of this." Duncan knew there would be both an internal investigation by the hospital and a criminal investigation by the police. They could not afford to ignore the accusations just made in the press. He started to listen again as the newscaster started to talk about Megan. "Miss Carson had only recently started at the zoo in their apprenticeship program. She was assisting in the return of a sedated lioness to her enclosure when the lioness awoke unexpectedly. Before anyone could react, the lioness kicked out with its rear legs, catching the young woman across the stomach with the claws. Zookeepers were forced to shoot the lioness to stop her from further savaging the girl, but it was too late. Her parents, who live in another state, were notified by local authorities and were enroute to Seacover when the second shocking story was revealed. There have been no leads to the disappearance of her body from the morgue. Hospital officials have refused comment pending their internal review."

Duncan could not imagine the grief for Mr. and Mrs. Carson. Amanda had told him about the time she had stayed with the family, and how warmly the family had taken her in. He felt sorry for the pain this would cause them; having to bury an empty coffin because the body would never be found. He was, however, more concerned for his friend. Joe had given his heart to this young woman and it was going to be very hard for him to let her go now. He just hoped Joe could get through this without giving up completely.

The news had spread like wildfire and the blues bar had become the focal point for all of Joe's regular customers. Everyone came by in hopes of seeing him and offering their condolences. Amanda was right; some are just curious about how I'm handling this latest tragedy. He'd finally withdrawn to a table off in a corner with a bottle of bourbon and his guitar. His customers seemed to know he needed to be alone as he sat there strumming his 12-string.

Joe's head was down and his eyes were closed as he strummed the strings, the chord echoing in his mind. He seemed to be reaching for something...a tune that was just out of hearing...when he became aware of a shadow falling across his table. He looked up...Methos. Methos saw the tears in Joe's eyes and he reached out with his hand and gripped Joe's shoulders. Methos knew Joe wasn't weeping because Megan was dead, but because she was still alive but no longer able to be part of Joe's life. One more of life's cruelties inflicted on this gentle man.

Methos sat and listened to Joe strum the guitar. No words were spoken; none were necessary. Joe was strangely comforted by his presence. He knew Duncan would be there if he could. Since he wasn't, it meant Duncan was still watching over Megan's rebirth. So they sat there into the night, speaking volumes without saying a word.

A hand on his shoulder woke Duncan. "Duncan, where are we? What has happened?"

Duncan turned and faced Megan. "Hello, kiddo. How are you feeling?"

"Why, I'm fine, of course. Duncan, what's going on? Where's Joe? Why am I here in this strange bed in this tacky nightgown?"

"What do you remember about today?"

"Let's see. I spent some time working in the nursery. Dr. Jonas called and asked if I would mind helping them move a lioness back to her normal enclosure. She'd been in the hospital area for some surgical work, and they wanted to get her back before she woke up. We were moving her and then...that's funny. I don't know what happened next." She looked at Duncan with growing panic in her eyes. "Oh, no. I'm dead, aren't I? Something happened and now everyone thinks I'm dead. That's it, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it. The lioness mauled you and you bled to death. You were pronounced at the scene and then taken to the morgue. I got you out of there. Amanda came and cleaned you up, changed your superficial appearance, and took some pictures for your new identity. She'll be here in a bit and we'll find out who you are."

"What about Joe? Has anyone told him I'm okay? What am I saying; he knows I'm okay. Wait a minute. If I'm dead, how can I be with Joe? NO! IT'S NOT FAIR! DAMMIT!" Megan began to weep into her pillow as she fully realized the ramifications of her 'death' and what it meant to her relationship with Joe. She knew it was now impossible for her to be with Joe, and she was weeping for their lost future together.

Amanda arrived a few minutes later, carrying a suitcase. "Good, you are awake. You look much better than when I last saw you. Pardon the expression, but you looked like death warmed over. Hope you don't mind the dye job and the haircut." Megan's hands stole up to her hair, just now realizing how much shorter it was. "If you haven't looked in a mirror yet, I'd better warn you your hair is now blonde. It was the most dramatic yet simplest alteration to make that would markedly change your appearance. I've brought you some clothes."

Amanda sat on the chair next to the bed. "You are now Nicole Elizabeth Jansen, called Nikki by your friends. You are 22 years old. We will work on a suitable biography to go with the name, but here are some pieces of identification. Study them. You need to become Nikki from now on; Megan is dead and you must let her go."

Amanda and Duncan stepped out of the room, leaving Megan some privacy while she came to grips with the new reality. "What now, Amanda?"

"I think we'll need to leave the country very soon. Otherwise, she is going to try to be with Joe."

"Yeah, I think you are right. I know how hard it was for me to leave Anne back when Kalas 'killed' me in front of her. And I had over 400 years experience at this. Imagine what it's like for her to leave the first man she's really loved?"

They returned to the room. Megan wasn't in the bed, but the suitcase was opened and the bathroom door was closed. Amanda knocked on the door. "Nikki, are you okay in there?" There was no answer. "Megan! Are you all right?" Still no answer. Duncan came over and tried the knob. Locked. "Megan! Can you hear me?" No response. Duncan kicked the door open. The bathroom was empty. Megan was gone.

Joe was still sitting in the same spot when Mike brought him the telephone. "Joe, Megan's vanished." Duncan said.

"What do you mean she vanished?"

"We don't know where she is. She took some clothes, the money that was in Amanda's purse, and her new identification. We've looked all around the motel, but there's no sign. I'm going back out to look for her. Amanda's over at your place keeping an eye out for her."

"She wouldn't go there, Duncan. She knows the dangers."

"Well, you have my cell phone number if you think of some place she might be," Duncan said, and then he was gone.

Megan was gone. Where would she go? There was something she'd said...something about a place to think...the aquarium! Joe stood, placed his guitar in his case, and started for the backdoor of the bar to dodge the last barrage from his well-meaning friends. He got into his van and drove for the aquarium.

He parked the van on the street and walked over to the aquarium. Closed. He couldn't imagine that would be much of an obstacle for Amanda's student, so he walked around the building. He finally located the rear door that had been opened. He slipped inside, closing the door so others would not see that it had been unlocked. He moved slowly through the aquarium. The only lights were those in the tanks themselves. All the passageway lights had been turned off. The bubbling of the air pumps and the hum of the air handling system made a soothing white noise.

He didn't see her at first, She was seated in the shadows, staring at one of the tanks of south sea tropical fish. He stopped, taking in the surface changes made to alter her appearance. Was his Megan still there under the short blonde mop? Seeing his reflection in the glass of the tank, Megan turned her teary eyes to Joe, then rushed into his arms.

They just held each other for what felt like an eternity, afraid to move a shatter the moment. Finally, Megan let go and took him by the hand, leading him to a seat. Once seated, she covered his face with her salty kisses, her tears freely running down her face. Joe just held her, knowing the emotional storm would blow out sooner or later. Eventually, Megan regained her composure.

"Joe, I'm so sorry. I really messed up and now we will have to pay for my mistake."

"What do you mean, you messed up? Did you make the lioness wake up? Did you plan to get killed today? I don't think it was anyone's fault, dear one. It was an accident; things like this just happen. Like the mine in 'Nam. They're not part of any divine plan. As the saying goes, shit happens. You just have to accept them when they do happen and move on."

"But moving on means leaving you behind, and I don't want to do that. I love you, and I want to stay with you."

"But you can't...at least for now. Who knows, someday we may find a way to get back together publicly. Maybe I'll move to wherever you settle and we can start all over again. I'll know where you are through Duncan and Amanda, plus through the Watcher network. If you stay with Amanda, our paths will cross again because she can't stay away from Duncan."

They sat in silence for a while after that, his arms around her, her head against his chest. They both knew it was there last time together for a while...perhaps a long while, and neither wanted to be the one that made it end. Joe soon realized Megan had drifted off to sleep, her body still drawing on all its reserves to finish healing. He held her sleeping form tightly to him, vowing never to stop loving her.

The ringing of his cellular telephone brought Joe back to the real world. He knew it would be Duncan. "Hello? Yes, I found her...We're at the City Aquarium...The rear door is unlocked...I guess she learned it from Amanda...See you when you get here."

"They're coming for me?"

"Yeah, they want to get you away before someone recognizes you."

Megan hugged him tight and then sat up. "I guess they're right. It doesn't make it any easier. I had thought about us having one last night of passion, but it just didn't seem necessary. It was enough just to be held."

"I know. That's because we were never really based on passion. We are based on love and affection, tenderness and companionship. Things that last long after passion has burned itself out." He bent his head and kissed her, one last deep kiss before the outside world could intrude at last.


Email: TheGreyOwl